ECH Counseling & Wellness Telehealth Services – Servicing Maine, Massachusetts, & New Hampshire

Assessing Personality

Defining Types of Personality Through Assessment and Testingpersonality1

Interview: Subjective method that involves questioning

Observational Method: Watching a person’s actual behavior in a natural or simulated situation

Test Standardization: Used to validate questions in personality tests by studying the responses of people with known diagnoses

Projective Personality Test: Uses ambiguous stimulus and asks to describe it or tell a story about it
Rorschach Test: Show a series of rorchacksymmetrical visual stimuli and then ask what the figures represent to them

Validity and Reliability

  • Poor psychometric reputation
  • Lack of standardized rules for administration and scoring
  • Poor inter-rater reliability
  • Lack of adequate norms
  • Unknown or weak validity
  • Low Validity/Low Reliability

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)tat 1

Developed by Henry Murray and colleagues at Harvard Psychological Clinic 31 TAT cards depicting people in a variety of ambiguous situations (one blank card)
Examinee is asked to create a story about each picture

Make up a story about the picture. Who the people are, what they are doing, what they are thinking or feeling, what led up to the scene, and how it will turn out.tat 2

Content analysis of themes that emerge from the stories assess:

  • Locus of problems
    Nature of needs
    Quality of interpersonal relationships
    Need for Achievement

Validity and Reliability

  • Lack of standardized rules for administration and scoring
  • Poor inter-rater reliability
  • Lack of adequate norms
  • Unknown or weak validity
  • Low Validity/Low Reliability

Personality Inventory Tests Self-Reporting Measures

One way to assess personality is through an extensive interview which is used to determine the most important events in childhood, social relationships, and success and failures, this includes behavioral assessments.

Direct Observation: Observing the person’s actual behavior in a natural or simulated situation

Rating scales: An observer responds to specific items in describing the behavior with a scale of answers such as: “strongly agree,” “ agree,” “disagree,” or “strongly disagree”

Frequency counts: An interval recording system including: observation, recording antecedent behavior before the event, and recording consequences after the event, known as the Antecedent-Behavior-Consequences chart (A-B-C chart)

Behavioral Assessments Personality Inventories Developed By Trait Theorists


Factor Analysis:  16PF:


The Big Five:


Based on the Five Factor Model, provides a systematized assessment of emotional, interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal, and motivational styles of one’s personality.

Myers-Briggs tests are designed to look at what people perceive and how they reach conclusions in order to understand their interests, reactions, values, motivations, and skills.

MMPI-2: Designed to detect abnormal personalities and psychological difficulties; used to predict everyday behavior.



What is your most natural energy orientation?


  • Act first, think/reflect later
  • Feel deprived when cutoff from interaction with the outside world
  • Usually open to and motivated by outside world of people and things
  • Enjoy wide variety and change in people and relationships


  • Think/reflect first, then Act
  • Regularly require an amount of “private time” to recharge batteries
  • Motivated internally, mind is sometimes so active it is “closed” to the outside world
  • Prefer one-to-one communication and relationships

Which way of perceiving or understanding is most automatic or natural?


  • Mentally live in the Now, attending to present opportunities
  • Use common sense and creating practical solutions is automatic-instinctual
  • Best improvise from past experience
  • Like clear and concrete information; dislike guessing when facts are “fuzzy”


  • Mentally live in the Future; attending to future possibilities
  • Using imagination and creating/inventing new possibilities is automatic-instinctual
  • Best improvise from theoretical understanding
  • Comfortable with ambiguous, fuzzy data and with guessing its meaning

Which way of forming judgments and making choices is most natural?


  • Instinctively search for facts and logic in a decision situation
  • Naturally notices tasks and work to be accomplished
  • Easily able to provide an objective and critical analysis
  • Accept conflict as a natural, normal part of relationships with people


  • Instinctively employ personal feelings and impact on people in decision situations
  • Naturally sensitive to people needs and reactions
  • Naturally seek consensus and popular opinions
  • Unsettled by conflict; have almost a toxic reaction to disharmony

What is your “action orientation” towards the outside world?


  • Plan many of the details in advance before moving into action
  • Focus on task-related action; complete meaningful segments before moving on
  • Work best and avoid stress when able to keep ahead of deadlines
  • Naturally use targets, dates, and standard routines to manage life


  • Comfortable moving into action without a plan; plan on-the-go
  • Like to multitask, have a variety, mix work and play
  • Naturally tolerant of time pressure; work best close to deadlines
  • Instinctively avoid commitments which interfere with flexibility, freedom, and variety



Bernstein, D.A. & Nash, P.W. (2008). Essentials of psychology (4th ed.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Feldman, R. (2013). Essentials of understanding psychology (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Friedman, H.S. & Schustack, M.W. (2012), Personality: classic theories and modern research (5th ed). Boston: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.
McGraw-Hill.McGraw Hill Higher Education (2013), The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.
Ryckman, R. M. (2013). Theories of personality (10th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

230 thoughts on “Assessing Personality

  1. Coincidentally before I came across this assignment, I actually took the personality test online on November 5, 2016 and scored as an ENFJ-T, otherwise known as The Protagonist. The 16Personalities website gave me the following results: Individual traits: Extraverted – 59%, Intuitive – 79%, Feeling – 82%, Judging – 54%, Turbulent – 56%. Role: Diplomat Strategy: Social Engagement
    Although I was happy for the most part with this assessment, I don’t think it truly captured a huge majority of my personality. For one, I don’t think in the past I normally considered myself an extroverted person. That is one of the aspects that caught me by surprise after getting my results. I was expecting a high range in the Intuitive and Feeling category, and I do enjoy being social and sometimes taking the role of a leader, but I think this result came to be because of being at school for a long period of time without going home and being in constant social situations. I get a lot of my energy from social interaction and I normally like talking to people on campus, so I think that had something to do with me scoring this way. However, I took the quiz again when I returned from Thanksgiving break, not only to see if my perception of myself has changed, but also to see if being in my home environment also changed my answers. This time I scored the INFP-T personality type, also called The Mediator. This personality type I definitely have to agree with much more than the Protagonist for a number of reasons. Not only does it embody the traits like the intuition and feeling, but also it represents more accurate qualities about me. Instead of emphasizing my social activity, it puts importance on my desire to be compassionate, empathetic, and driven, which I relate to much more than being a natural born leader. My results according to the website were:
    Personality type: “The Mediator” (INFP-T) Individual traits: Introverted – 53%, Intuitive – 82%, Feeling – 81%, Prospecting – 58%, Turbulent – 70%. Role: Diplomat
    Strategy: Constant Improvement

    I definitely think I am more comfortable being an introvert than an extrovert; it still has extremely similar percentages for intuitive and feeling, and connects more to my creativity, passion, and need to inspire. I agree that I am probably around 53% introverted because although I am way more comfortable being introverted, as I get older, I find that I am becoming more comfortable socializing and interacting with people. I am very happy that my result says that I am 82% intuitive, which I agree with because although being observant and learning from experiences is always helpful, I really like to utilize imagination and keeping an open mind. It also makes sense that I scored 81% in the feeling category because I place a large importance on emotions and feelings especially since I wanted to work in the helping professions. I scored 58% in the prospecting category vs. 42% in the judging category, which I thought was interesting because I scored in the judging section last time. One trait that judging personalities have is that they don’t prefer to keep their options available. This is 100% not me, I always have to have open options. It’s conflicting though because the prospecting personality is known to be at ease when challenges come up that were not planned, which isn’t hugely me either because I get stressed very easily. Lastly, I got 70% turbulent, which also makes sense because the opposite Assertive type is worry free, which I struggle to be. When I took The Big Five Personality Test, I noticed that I was answering with a lot of them being focused toward a ‘strongly’ side. My percentile for Openness to Experience/ Intellect is a 90, which I would agree with, as I love learning more through experiences and being open to growth. For conscientiousness, I received a 74. I am not the most organized person but I still manage and I do consider myself very reliable. For extraversion, I got a 37, which surprised me a little because it is so low and was expecting a result closer to the middle. I scored a 94 for Agreeableness, which I agree with because I am very forgiving, supportive, and courteous. For neuroticism I got a 55, which I thought was very ironic because I try to have good control of my emotions and always stay positive and optimistic but it is very easy to get stressed and worried. Overall, I was extremely fascinated by my results and how I viewed my own personality afterwards. I realized that I have become more comfortable with gradually being less introverted as I have been at college, but it still shifts depending on the day. Overall though I think my comfort lies in being an introvert.


    1. I love how in depth you go regarding your thoughts on your introversion/extraversion. I feel like I can totally relate. I was also wondering, diving even deeper into that topic, if your results would vary just by the people that are around you when taking the quiz. I feel like since different people can effect your mood so much, it would have an effect on how you take the test and your impending results.


    2. Hey Rmily,

      I think is really interesting how you decided to take the test again to see if being in a different environment would affect your results. Honestly, I’m not surprised that your results did differ, because our personalities adapt and change according to our environment and situations. When at school, we are often put into situations that require us to interact with others. At times, I myself find that I can be a bit more talkative in a classroom environment. So, it doesn’t come as much of a surprise that we can become a little bit more social and talkative when in these social settings. Your results demonstrate how a number of different factors come into play when coming up with the results of these personality tests, and that these factors also work to make these tests not be 100% accurate.


  2. While taking both personality quizzes, I found it hard to answer a lot of the questions. I realize that this alone says a lot about my personality. I tend to be bouncing back and forth between many different emotions and I have a hard time making decisions. Some of these qualities were represented through the quiz results. On the 16 personalities quiz, I got ENFP, the campaigner, (extroverted 65%, intuitive 67%, feeling 78%, prospecting 67%, turbulent 74%). Much of the description is very fitting: someone with a free spirit, who enjoys social and emotional connections, a people pleaser, curious, compassionate, and constantly searching for the deeper meaning. I disagree with how much of an extrovert this test described me as. I definitely do not enjoy being the center of attention or being looked at as the leader. Also, this test described me as a thinker and inventor. While I definitely think things through very deeply, I tend to be more practical when it comes to work and projects.
    The combination of the two tests provides a description of myself that feels more accurate. For the OCEAN quiz, I got: O 70%, C 52%, E 37%, A 94%, N 71%. Interestingly, on this quiz I scored as an introvert. I think the difference in the two quizzes represents my tendency to change based on the group of people that I am with. I can be very extroverted, but only when I’m comfortable. The high score on neuroticism surprised me. I am a very laid back person, and I don’t let others affect my mind set too much. However, this makes me realized some of the internal qualities I have that would push my score up a bit higher on the neuroticism spectrum. Overall, these two tests helped me realize the parts of my personality that are consistent and those that are always switching. In the categories that I scored neutral, I recognized that I could identify with either extreme. However, on other qualities, like agreeableness, I scored very high, and am not surprised because that is an unchanging aspect of my personality.


    1. I also got Extrovert on the first quiz and Introvert on the second quiz and I think your explanation provides good insight into maybe why I did also seeing that I find myself doing something similar. I also found it difficult to answer the questions being conflicted on which one seemed right and bouncing back and forth between answers.


    2. Shannon,
      It’s good that you recognized that the process of answering the questions on the tests could have been reflective toward your personality and even could have said more than the tests did. It is difficult to answer broad questions and expect specific answers and it is good that you still analyzed the result you got through your comfort level around other people to argue that you feel more introverted than extraverted. I agree with your conclusion that your results depend on the people you have been surrounded with because I took one personality test in early November when I had been in school for a while without going home, and one right after Thanksgiving break so my environments were completely different and my results changed greatly. It’s interesting how your neuroticism score makes you wonder what subconscious features are affecting that percentage in your score as it took you by surprise. It’s also interesting how you can differentiate what qualities in your personality are consistent or changing.


    3. Shannon,
      It seems like a lot of people got ENFP! Not me though, haha. I totally think that from getting to know you, you fit the description of a free spirit, who enjoys social and emotional connections. I truly also think you are a compassionate person. I think the personality test fitted you perfectly! What a fabulous thinker you are!!


  3. I have taken the 16personalities.com test a few times, the first time back in high school. Every time I’ve taken it, I’ve fluctuated between INFJ and INFP, the difference being between judging and prospecting. I am highly skeptical of most informal surveys that claim to tell you something about yourself, but I suppose the categories I fall in are loosely applicable to me. For the Big 5 personality test, I scored 80%ile in openness, 10%ile in conscientiousness, 74%ile in extraversion, 3%ile in agreeableness, and 94%ile in neuroticism. This affirms my previous awareness that I am in general an unpleasant human being.


  4. In the first personality test I took, which was the Factor Analysis 16PF test, I was not surprised that I was a labeled as a Protagonist (ENFJ-T). The test said that protagonists are “natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma”. I have been told that I have qualities that make me a strong, influential leader, whether I know it or not. It stated that I was extroverted, intuitive, and in touch with my feelings and judgment. I think this personality test was pretty accurate.

    The second personality test I took was the Big Five Personality Test. This one consisted of answering about 30 to 50 questions on a scale of 1 to 5, pretty similar format as the first test. What I thought was strange, was that it asked for personal information about where I grew up, the zip code of that location, and then the state I live in now and zip code. I’m curious as to how this information relates to my personality test results, or maybe they were just collecting statistics on who uses their website. Very strange to me. This test gave me results that I was also familiar with. For openness to experience/intellect, it said I was relatively open to new experiences. For conscientiousness, it said I am well-organized and reliable. I think this part of the big five is exactly right. I really try to be well-organized, as I tend to have a hectic schedule, and if I forget about something, it throws other plans off. For extroversion, it said I am relatively social and enjoy the company of others. For agreeableness, I tend to consider the feelings of others. I think this is also important in establishing strong relationships with friends and family. Lastly, for neuroticism, I probably remain calm, even in tense situations. I also firmly agree with this one. My parents taught me that when things can get stressful, there is no need to have an overwhelming feeling of frustration. It is important to take a step back, analyze the situation, and take the necessary steps needed to solve the issue. This helps me always remain calm.


    1. Hi Sam! After getting to know you I can definitely see you as a protagonist. I also can identify with some protagonist traits which is interesting, seeing as I am a campaigner and they’re pretty similar. We also got similar results for the OCEAN test as well!! The only main difference between our results was that for conscientiousness, I scored in the opposite direction as you and instead of being very organized, I am so messy and disorganized. I really liked your point about building relationships and how being able to consider the feelings of others is important because I feel it is so important. I additionally scored very very low on neuroticism like you and I find that a really important quality.


  5. Coincidentally before I came across this assignment, I actually took the personality test online on November 5, 2016 and scored as an ENFJ-T, otherwise known as The Protagonist. The 16Personalities website gave me the following results: Individual traits: Extraverted – 59%, Intuitive – 79%, Feeling – 82%, Judging – 54%, Turbulent – 56%. Role: Diplomat Strategy: Social Engagement
    Although I was happy for the most part with this assessment, I don’t think it truly captured a huge majority of my personality. For one, I don’t think in the past I normally considered myself an extroverted person. That is one of the aspects that caught me by surprise after getting my results. I was expecting a high range in the Intuitive and Feeling category, and I do enjoy being social and sometimes taking the role of a leader, but I think this result came to be because of being at school for a long period of time without going home and being in constant social situations. I get a lot of my energy from social interaction and I normally like talking to people on campus, so I think that had something to do with me scoring this way. However, I took the quiz again when I returned from Thanksgiving break, not only to see if my perception of myself has changed, but also to see if being in my home environment also changed my answers. This time I scored the INFP-T personality type, also called The Mediator. This personality type I definitely have to agree with much more than the Protagonist for a number of reasons. Not only does it embody the traits like the intuition and feeling, but also it represents more accurate qualities about me. Instead of emphasizing my social activity, it puts importance on my desire to be compassionate, empathetic, and driven, which I relate to much more than being a natural born leader. My results according to the website were:
    Personality type: “The Mediator” (INFP-T) Individual traits: Introverted – 53%, Intuitive – 82%, Feeling – 81%, Prospecting – 58%, Turbulent – 70%. Role: Diplomat
    Strategy: Constant Improvement
    I definitely think I am more comfortable being an introvert than an extrovert; it still has extremely similar percentages for intuitive and feeling, and connects more to my creativity, passion, and need to inspire. I agree that I am probably around 53% introverted because although I am way more comfortable being introverted, as I get older, I find that I am becoming more comfortable socializing and interacting with people. I am very happy that my result says that I am 82% intuitive, which I agree with because although being observant and learning from experiences is always helpful, I really like to utilize imagination and keeping an open mind. It also makes sense that I scored 81% in the feeling category because I place a large importance on emotions and feelings especially since I wanted to work in the helping professions. I scored 58% in the prospecting category vs. 42% in the judging category, which I thought was interesting because I scored in the judging section last time. One trait that judging personalities have is that they don’t prefer to keep their options available. This is 100% not me, I always have to have open options. It’s conflicting though because the prospecting personality is known to be at ease when challenges come up that were not planned, which isn’t hugely me either because I get stressed very easily. Lastly, I got 70% turbulent, which also makes sense because the opposite Assertive type is worry free, which I struggle to be. When I took The Big Five Personality Test, I noticed that I was answering with a lot of them being focused toward a ‘strongly’ side. My percentile for Openness to Experience/ Intellect is a 90, which I would agree with, as I love learning more through experiences and being open to growth. For conscientiousness, I received a 74. I am not the most organized person but I still manage and I do consider myself very reliable. For extraversion, I got a 37, which surprised me a little because it is so low and was expecting a result closer to the middle. I scored a 94 for Agreeableness, which I agree with because I am very forgiving, supportive, and courteous. For neuroticism I got a 55, which I thought was very ironic because I try to have good control of my emotions and always stay positive and optimistic but it is very easy to get stressed and worried. Overall, I was extremely fascinated by my results and how I viewed my own personality afterwards. I realized that I have become more comfortable with gradually being less introverted as I have been at college, but it still shifts depending on the day. Overall though I think my comfort lies in being an introvert.


  6. In the 16Personality quiz I ended up being “the Adventurer” (ISFP). I am
    75% Introverted
    52% Observant
    70% Feeling
    84% Prospecting
    61% Observant

    All together, I found these results to be very accurate, but there were some minor details that I did not completely agree with. The strengths of a ISPF personality are charming, sensitive, imaginative, sensitive, curious, and artistic. We are shy, but very easy to talk to. I am always very quiet in social situations when surrounded by a lot of people, like a classroom setting or in any type of group, but when I am approached I am always kind and happy to meet new people. I am not the type of person to make the effort to strike up a conversation among strangers, and will do anything in my power to avoid speaking in public even if it is something as simple as answering a yes or no question. The weaknesses of a ISPF, I did not agree with as much as the strengths in my case. We are said to be fiercely independent, unpredictable, easily stressed, and overly competitive. I do not relate to any of these weaknesses. When it comes to being independent, the ISPF is known to not like rules or structure when it comes to things such as school work. I do not agree with this, I find it difficult to do most assignments when I do not have a list of exactly what is expected of me. I do not consider myself unpredictable, easily stressed, or overly competitive. There is a theme in the description of the ISPF’s personality that says that they are so unpredictable that they are unable to make long term commitments, including long term relationships. It is also stated that we turn every little thing into competition, and become very stressed when things are out of control. I personally do not enjoy competition and often feel uncomfortable in competitive situations, especially one on one. I also find myself to be calm in stressful situations and I have not shown any problems or been uncomfortably with long term commitments. I do resonate with how the ISPF is when it comes to friendship. I do not have any problem befriending basically anyone who is willing. I do not write people off unless they give me a valid reason to. I do, however, have a hard time staying close friends with people who try and change who I am or are constantly criticizing me. So, as a whole, I believe that these test results were very accurate in my case.

    For the Big5 test I am
    Openness: 30%
    Conscientiousness: 20%
    Extraversion: 12%
    Agreeableness: 74%
    Neuroticism: 55%

    The first factor says that I am somewhat conventional. Since I scored low I am: down to earth, uncreative, and have narrow interests. I found this to be interesting because according to my 16personality quiz, my personality type tends to be very creative. I do not agree with what the big5 has to say about me in this aspect because it almost sounds offensive. I do consider myself down to earth, but I am not uncreative and I do not have narrow interests. The second one says that I tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. This means that I am supposedly disorganized, undependable, and negligent. I, once again, do not agree with this. Although I do not need my workspace or living space to be completely organized, I do not think this reflects in my dependability, and I do not think this makes me negligent whatsoever. Next, the quiz said I am not extraverted and that I probably enjoy spending time alone. People who score low are: introverted, reserved, inhibited, and quiet. I very much agree with this area, unfamiliar social situations make me uncomfortable. The fourth factor says that I tend to consider the feelings of others and I am good natured, sympathetic, and forgiving. I agree with this as well. I do not find myself to be a problematic or malicious person, and I find it easy to relate to peoples feelings and offer emotional support. The last part of the quiz says that I am not particularly nervous or calm. I agree with this as well. In different situations this changes, but not so much one way that I could pin myself to be one or the other. Overall, I did not really agree with or like the results of this quiz.



    For this test, I scored ENFP -A/-T

    I can definitely identify myself as a “campaigner personality” when reading the descriptions posted on the website. I do disagree with some of the strengths though.
    81% extroverted – agree
    71% intuitive – agree
    89% feeling – agree
    84% prospective – agree
    61% assertive – disagree
    for weaknesses, it says that campaigners have trouble focusing, get stressed easily, have poor practical skills, over think things, are highly emotional and are also too independent. I personally think I’m pretty emotionally stable and not very independent at all for that matter. I feel that I’m dependent on other people and have trouble being assertive.

    “Campaigners are fiercely independent, and much more than stability and security, they crave creativity and freedom.”

    I really don’t feel as if I am “fiercely independent”. I ended up agreeing more with the OCEAN test:

    I scored just about in the middle, falling a little bit slightly to the left. High scorers are original, creative, curious, complex; while low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, and uncreative. I personally identify with the higher scoring part except I am very down to earth. I feel like it’s pretty accurate that I’m in the middle but more towards the low side, just because I am very down to earth. I don’t however identify with any of the other low scoring factors.

    I scored very very low on this category. This means that I am disorganized, undependable, and negligent. I know that I am super disorganized and find this score to be quite true.

    For extraversion, I scored in the higher middle end of the spectrum. I am more sociable, friendly, fun loving, and talkative than introverted, reserved, and quiet. I do love to have my own time to myself though and like to be quiet sometimes.

    For agreeableness I scored right at the end of the right side of the spectrum. This shows/means that I’m good natured, sympathetic, forgiving and courteous. I am definitely not rude or harsh to anyone, no matter who they are.

    I scored significantly low on neuroticism. I’m closer to the left end of the spectrum than I was to the right side of the spectrum fro agreeableness, as I am very calm, relaxed, hardy, and very “go with the flow”.


    1. Dehlia! I think it’s very interesting that we have the same ENFP personality type. I see certain similarities between us, so some of this makes sense. I think that it’s interesting how broad this is, because we can have the same personality type but very different percents of each part so we can be super different!


  8. A while ago I took the 16 personalities quiz and was pleasantly surprised that I received the same results again after taking it this time. I got the mediator (INFP-T). I found this description very accurate and made sense when I read the strengths and weaknesses. It states that mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. After I took the Big Five test I thought the results were not as accurate as the personality test but I did find some common themes. It said I do not typically seek out new experiences and that is sometimes true but most of the time I do want new experiences because I get easily bored with repetition. The one part of the big five that I found relatable was agreeableness. It stated that I am neither extremely forgiving nor irritable, which I find true. Overall, the tests did give me some insight to myself and to things I may have not known, whether I am willing to accept them as true of false.


    1. Madlyn,

      I also continue to get consistent results through time. You stated you were, “pleasantly surprised” that your results were the same. How would different results impact your idea of self? Would you accept and adapt or reject and rebel? Could the personality tests be more of a reflection of one’s persona rather than their personality? I agree, the tests are interesting to chew on.


    2. When I took the big 5 test I found the same thing that it said I’m not open to new experiences when that is actually the opposite of my personality and always like to find new experiences. I also got the same result that I am neither extremely forgiving nor irritable which is true and that was also one of the only parts of the big 5 test that I found to be accurate for myself.


  9. I scored the ESFJ for the personality test. the esfj personality type are popular in my case the word popular to me just mean I am a friendly person and know a lot of people because of my personality. ESFJ are altruists meaning when we have a job to do we take our responsibilities seriously and we like to get the job done. Im very hands on person that the way I learn better and taking this test made me realize that much of it is true, people with the esfj opersonality like to be of serice to others and we also enjoy any role I get to be able to participate in a meaningful way, as long as we know we will be appreciated. im very outgoing and a social person and love when I have the opportunity to laugh and chat with others while at a party. Im also a control freak and the biggest challenge for a person with the esfj personality is that people will always disagree and criticize you and we have to be able to do what we do best be a role model and only take care of what I have the POWER to take care of.


  10. I took the bid five personality test 3 times in a couple weeks and my results changes in the few weeks of taking it my first set of results said I typically don’t seek out new experience and I was not out going but the newest results I got were different. The new results said I was extremely social, and out going which I believe to be and am neither disorganized or organized which also seems to be true because I know I want to be an organized person but at times I fall off the scale being organized or trying to keep everything organized. the results said am extremely nervous which that also is true I can get overwhelmed at times


  11. In high school, during college prep workshop, we had to take a personality test so that the site we could suggest what professions we could look into if we weren’t sure what we wanted to do with our future. At the time, I scored as an ISFP (“The adventurer”). This time, however, I scored as an INFJ-T (“The advocate”). After briefly skimming the articles on both ISFP’s and INFJ-T’s, I agree that I am more of “the advocate” than I am an “adventurer.”

    Without a doubt, I am an introvert (90%). Social situations are extremely draining (Mentally, physically, and, at times, even emotionally) for me, and I always have to take some time to recharge once they’ve been dealt with. According to the test, I was almost split between intuitive (59%) and observant (41%). While I wouldn’t say I take the intuitive that often, I still mostly agree with the score. I prefer to stick to the sidelines and observe. However, if the situation calls for it, I’ve come to learn to take the intuitive to get tasks done, so I am not surprised that I’m (somewhat) split between the two traits. Though I like to think I am capable of being thinking logically and being able to explore that perspective if I need to, I am unsurprised that I scored so high on feeling (82%). Almost all of my decisions are based on either my feelings, or the feelings of others. Once again, I found that my score was split between judging (57%) and prospecting (43%). I am someone who likes schedules and plans, it helps me know what to expect and get through tasks. However, I am not someone who cares to stick to these plans 100%. I allow for some flexibility and, unlike some of my friends (some of whom are very much J’s), sometimes all the planning I need is “We’re going to go out tomorrow,” and from there I wouldn’t mind what happens once it comes time to go out. Personally, what is most important is knowing I have something planned. What happens then, and for how long, doesn’t always matter (In fact, I can get stressed knowing I have, say, a half-hour dentist appointment at 12, and then must make it to an hour-long doctor’s appointment at 2). Unsurprisingly, I scored very high on turbulent (71%), as I’m not someone who likes to assert myself very often (Though, I am definitely learning to).

    I have never taken a Big Five personality test before, so I was rather interested in what my results would be. For the most part, I agree with my scores. I placed in the 59th percentile for Openness, which I agree with as I do not typically seek out new experiences. For Conscientiousness, I scored in the 46th percentile, and I agree with that quite a bit. I consider myself someone to be very neat, however, I can also have my messes at times–Though, I consider these to be “organized messes”–So I agree that I don’t lean too heavily on being organized or disorganized. I scored in the 7th percentile for Extroversion, which I strongly agree with. I scored in the 69th percentile for Agreebleness, which I somewhat agree with. Personally, I feel like I should’ve scored a little higher, however, it’s not that far off when it says I “tend to consider the feeling of others.” Lastly, I scored in the 84th percentile for Neuroticism, which I also somewhat agree with. While I definitely have my moments when I am tense and anxious, I personally do not believe I should be placed that high.

    Taking these personality tests gave me a chance to reflect on myself as an individual, especially the Factor Analysis test. Since I had taken the test in high school, I had always idly thought that “Yes, I am an ISFP.” However, seeing my score of “INFJ-T,” I found that I agreed and related with this score much more than I did with my previous score. Taking the Big Five personality test for the first time was an interesting experience, and I agreed with my scores for the most part. While there were a few instances when I did not strongly agree with the scores I got, I do believe these test scores are a decent representation of my personality.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jenny,

      It is really interesting how your score on the factor analysis has changed since you first took it in high school. I also find it very interesting that the dimensions that changed for you, you seemed to be split on. Your score was broken down almost equally between intuitive and observant, and similarly in judging and prospecting. These were the two factors that changed for you from the first time you took this personality quiz. Reading how you identify with both sides, but how you agree with the prevalence of intuitive and judging, I think, shows how our personalities change over time. The first time I took the factor analysis quiz, I scored the same as I did the second time, but the percentages I was broken down into have changed. The numbers did not change enough to change my final results, but I do agree with you that I found myself agreeing more with my second results. In the Big Five personality test more than the factor analysis, I found that on certain dimensions I did not agree with how strongly, or weakly, I scored in certain dimensions. You mentioned that you would have classified yourself higher in agreeableness and I had the same feelings with my extroversion score. I think that these personality tests can give a good insight into our personalities, however, they are not exact – which is a point that you made. I also think that personality is something that is hard to concretely define, for several factors. For example, how we view ourselves can sometimes be different than how others view us. Additionally sometimes out of necessity we feed off of different parts of our personality in different situations, just like how you mentioned in certain situations you draw from your intuitive aspect, rather than observant – and how we act differently depending on the circumstances is not something a personality test can measure.


  12. In my senior year of high school I remember taking the factor analysis quiz in my psychology class. If I am remembering correctly I believe I got the same result as I did the second time taking it. The quiz classified me as an INFJ-T (an Advocate) personality, which for the most part I agree with. Broken down I was listed as 78% Introverted (22% extroverted). Which I mostly agree with. I am definitely more introverted, and enjoy individual activities. In the description of an introvert, this website said that they are more sensitive to sound and sight, which is also something I consider to be true. The only thing I disagree with is that I do like being with other people and I do get energy interacting with other – which I guess explains why I am not a higher percentage of introversion. I was also listed as 58% Intuitive (42% Observant). I like to think of myself as imaginative, curious and open-minded so I do agree with this division, however, I definitely prefer stability and have several strong habits which more closely resemble an observant personality. Going into this quiz I knew that I was probably going to score higher on the feeling dimension, but I was very surprised by the final numbers – 90% Feeling (10% Thinking). I absolutely fit into the description of a feeler, but I do consider myself rational and I have the tendency to hide my emotions from other people which is more characteristic of a thinker. I was also categorized as 79% Judging (21% Prospecting), the only thing I disagree with is that I am not a decisive person. Other than this I am very organized and struggle improvising, this being said I do consider myself to be a flexible person like the prospecting category. Lastly, I scored a 67% on Turbulence (33% Assertive), which for the most part I agree with.
    I have never taken a Big Five personality test before, so it was interesting to see where the quiz put me on the spectrum of each trait. I was put in the 65th percentile for Openness, which they told me meant I was relatively open to new experiences, which I agree with. Reading the description of what a high and low score tended to mean, I definitely agreed with aspects from both ends of the spectrum. Conversely, I feel like I identified mostly with the high end of the Conscientiousness spectrum – which explains why I was put in the 92nd percentile. Similar to the factor analysis I feel like I fall more in the middle of Extroversion – I think of myself as an extrovert trapped in an introvert’s body and mind. This is because I enjoy being with other people and I can be sociable in certain situations, however on tests like these I am usually put low on extroversion. For this quiz, I was put in the 18th percentile, I do agree that I am reserved and quiet, but I feel like I am not this low on Extroversion. The other trait I scored high on and agree with the description was Agreeableness, which I was put in the 93rd percentile for. Lastly, I was put in the 87th percentile for Neuroticism. I don’t think of myself as high strung, but I am a generally anxious person who tends to worry too much, so the classification is not that far off.
    It was interesting taking these two personality tests because for the most part I agreed with the outcomes. I don’t believe that these can be completely accurate, but I do think they come close. I did not agree with everything that the tests described me as, but I answered the questions honestly so my results were on average pretty accurate.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Most people wonder what their personalities say about them. Every person has a different personality and is unique in some way. In reading those posters, I can see how the Big Five Test is the most controversial, but I still think that this personality test can give you an idea about your personality. It’s hard to measure personality traits that may not be well-defined. On the other hand, a personality test can reveal information about an individual’s ability and interests. Some people can experience many changes in their personalities throughout their lives. Individuals adapt or adjust to the demands of life. Environmental aspects are also significant influences on our personality changes. Adaptation to the environment, along with biological influences, contributes to the consolidation of a new self-representation.


    1. Hi Cristina,

      I absolutely agree with you that personality is influenced by several different factors and is hard to concretely measure. Personality tests will only be as truthful as how honest you are in answering the questions and in some instances the way you define yourself contrasts how others see you. This is just another factor that makes personality hard to define. You mentioned that every individual is unique, which I believe to be absolutely true. However, I look at these personality tests and see basic characteristics that can be seen, or are absent, in everybody. What makes individuals unique is the combination of these traits and which aspects they embrace and act upon. A personal example is that personality tests usually classify me as highly introverted, but I do not exist solely in this classification. I am primarily an introvert, but I pull and act upon my extroversion as well, which makes my individual relationship with the world unique. In regards to your statement that personality changes to adapt to the environment, this also contributes to the uniqueness of the individual. People grow and their environments change which often puts different demands on the individual. How a person changes and approaches these new surroundings says a lot about their personality and sometimes stronger personality traits act as roots for the individual to branch out from.


    2. Hi Cristina,

      I agree with the points you made. Though it can be argued that personality tests will never be 100% accurate, as your results will be determined by how truthfully you answered your questions and even your mood (since your mood can change how you perceive yourself), they can be used to provide a better understanding of “an individual’s ability and interests.” As Carina mentioned in her response, personality tests can be used to “see basic characteristics that can be seen, or are absent, in everybody.” From there, the combination of these traits, and the intensity in which they appear (or don’t appear) in individuals, making everyone’s personalities unique from one another. You can say that personality tests are a baseline, giving you an estimate of where you fall within the spectrum of each trait/aspect, and you can then use the results to determine where you actually fall within the spectrums based on your own judgement.


      1. Hi Jenny! I think you make a really important distinction here when saying, “your mood can change how you perceive yourself.” I had been trying to understand why I go between Introverted and Extroverted in almost every personality test I take, and I think you hit the nail on the head. I wish I could go back in time and see what kind of mood I was in/what kind of social interaction I’d had that day when I was taking those tests to see how it effected the results.


  14. Before taking the test I had a pretty good idea of the person I thought I was and while taking the test i assumed my results would agree with me. However one my results on the Big Five test showed the opposite, saying that i was more close minded and that’s far from the type of person I am. The first test was a little more accurate as my results were ENTP-T. Overall I feel that the questions asked in test like these should have more specific answer choices. That way someone knows what they are actually picking instead of choosing something that is close but not equal to the answer they want.


    1. I also agree with you the big five test also said I was a close minded person and I am far from that as well, the most accurate test was the personality test , the words the big five test also use was not the best wording and had me just choosing in between because I didn’t know what it meant, the personality test was more straight forward.


      1. I think the hardest part about these tests is using descriptive but also vague wording. I think you can make generalizations and most would find some aspect of those generalizations that would apply to themselves. The wording makes it very hard to sometimes answer, and can be too vague. Funny enough, I saw almost the same wording in some answers that are used in horoscopes. If you want to believe it works, than you would find a correlation between yourself and the answers. It all depends on what you do with those answers I think.


    2. I had the same problem with the big5 test. I do not think that the results were very accurate because the questions were extremely vague. However, I found the 16personality quiz to be much more enjoyable to take, and way more accurate when it cam to my results.


  15. For the 16 personalities test T received the following traits:
    Introverted – 66%,
    Observant – 58%
    Feeling – 66%
    Prospecting – 60%
    Turbulent – 63%.
    All of these traits led me to be an Adventurer (ISFP-T). According to ISFP-T I am sensitive to others, charming, imaginative, passionate, and curious. These traits surprisingly apply to me. I like to believe that i am a person that is well-liked and that is friendly to everyone. As well, I am a person that tires to relate to people’s emotions. I’m imaginative to things that I find interesting and this is due to my curiosity. Finally i do believe that I’m a passionate person, even though I am not passionate for a lot of things.
    For the Big 5 I received:
    These traits say I prefer traditional and familiar experiences, I would have a messy desk, say I am neither social nor reserved, neither extremely forgiving or irritable, and that I am generally relaxed. I feel that these were actually pretty accurate after only asking you 50 questions. However I am not completely 100% on the fact that I like familiar experiences. I actually like to go to know places and explore what I do not know. Familiar places I do like but not to a point where i prefer it. Besides from that, I honestly like and agree with most of the traits that they said I was.


    1. I think it’s very interesting that you had such extremes on the OCEAN test. While the 16-types were more in the middle. For myself, when I took the two different tests I found very similar results between the two. The biggest similarity that I found very strange was that I was 80% Judging and only 20% agreeableness on the two tests. They break down to mean almost the same things, however I am a very easy going person and never pick fights. While the explanations says I would most likely openly disagree with people, be very critical and rude. But that has never been my own perception of myself, but maybe I never realized I was.
      But I would agree with you that most of the traits I had the outcome for, were accurate of me. Except the agreeable/judging one. But for the most part, they were pretty accurate!


      1. I had a similar situation happen too when taking The Big Five Personality Test, I was tending to score my answers strongly than when I took the 16 Personality tests, I put less strong answers and more neutral ones. Maybe it was because of how the different tests worded their options. It’s also interesting how flexible you analyzed your results in regards to your personality because sometimes in my results, they were just plain incorrect and the qualities weren’t hugely represented in my personality, but others I saw bigger correlations. It’s good that you questioned the one part of your results that you didn’t necessarily agree with because it gave you an opportunity to analyze and understand your actual traits in personality.


      2. When I first saw my scores i was somewhat confused in how my scores were anywhere near the 100s but the following traits do describe me pretty well. And maybe this test does open some eyes to your personality that you didn’t know about before.


  16. I took the personality and Big 5 tests. For the personality test, I ended up with being an Adventurer. My results were:
    Mind: 44% extroverted, 56% extroverted
    Energy: 42% intuitive, 58% observant
    Nature: 20% thinking, 80% feeling
    Tactics: 27% judging, 73% prospecting
    Identity: 21% assertive, 79% turbulent
    I feel that these results are very accurate. I see myself as very outgoing, however sometimes I can be introverted. Sometimes I do prefer staying in the house, rather than partying all night long. I was very surprised at my results for Tactics, because I dislike decision making and try to avoid it at times. For Identity, it was no surprise that I got 79% turbulent. I can be very quiet around my surroundings and not assertive by any means. There were some surprises with my results, however I enjoyed taking the test. I learned a lot about myself. For the Big 5 test, it was also very interesting. For some of the questions, I knew them right off the bat and thought, “Yup that is so me.” Other questions I had to really think about. The results were harder to read and not as interesting as the personality test. For the Big 5 my results were:
    O-somewhat conventional
    C-you tend to do things somewhat haphazardly
    E-you are niether particularly social or reserved
    A-you are good-natured, courteous, and supportive
    N- you are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things
    These results wasn’t really a surprise to me because I guess I kind of knew I had these traits already. But it was very interesting to know how I am in the work place.


    1. Hello Krista,

      I find the 16 personalities test intriguing as well. I, myself, am a “Logician” and also an (INTP-T). According to the site, it states that INTPs are fairly rare and they only make up three percent of the population (I felt delighted and blushed a little when I read this). It is also said that they take pride in their inventiveness, creativity, perspective and intellect. I, however, find this to be somewhat true. I don’t often think creatively nor do I invent things/think of inventing anything. Once in a while, I’ll think of something creative but it will fade from memory if I don’t scribble it down. Although I don’t think creatively much, I do extol my perspective on some things. Sometimes I feel that I am right in a situation. However, if you prove me wrong with cold, hard evidence, I’ll be able to see reason and reshape my way thinking. I also like to take pride in my intellect (not nearly as much as my parents though). I am a honor roll student, sometimes a high honors student. I would like to agree that these tests can help you learn about yourself. They help you figure out who you are and what you may be good at. Although some qualities may be incorrect, I guarantee that you will learn one new thing about yourself or at least perceive yourself in a different way. I, for one, enjoyed scrolling through it and figuring out what my personalities were. I learned a lot more about myself, even if it wasn’t about all of me.


  17. The two test were a little different for me. According to The Factor Analysis test I am an extrovert and for BIG Five I am a little more of an extrovert than an introvert. In the description it says I am both. Honestly, I like the BIG Five test because it gave more close results for my personality than a detailed description like 16-PF. The 16-PF mentioned about few things like an extrovert is shallow who care little about others and I am not like that at all. In fact I care about others so much that sometimes it is damaging me. Other parts like being a center of attraction is not me because I don’t like to be the center of attraction. I am very careful with money and not fashionable too at the same time generous. Statements like these did not match my personality at all. But statements about parenthood, work, and career related were true. So I am a little confused with this test.
    I felt 16-PF test does not target the minorities in USA because there is big difference of being a extrovert in my culture. The entertainment in my life has lot of ethics of Indian culture and Islam so when we say entertainment it is not dancing, music and interaction with other gender. It is more of ladies party, family and friends get together, food, visiting places, genders are separated and so on. This might be the reason why I am not buying almost everything 16-PF says. Big Five has smaller description in general and it did not take a lot of time to answer and get the results. The results were very accurate for me, For example when it states that I am both extrovert and introvert, it is true because I pick my battles of being a extrovert or introvert based on many factors like situation, age of the person, gender and so on.
    Again the bottom line is I feel this is all because of culture. I like both the test because they gave a sense of myself and how to look at others. Thanks for test Prof. V.


    1. Hi Tazeeya,

      The point you bring up about how much influence an individual’s cultural background has, is very interesting. I absolutely agree with you that these tests in particular do not take into consideration how one’s culture shapes which traits are more valuable. This being said I don’t believe the intentions of these personality tests are to categorize traits as better than others. The specific tests we were directed to provided some descriptions that made it seem like one trait was more favorable than another. These tests are offered on numerous platforms and each one has slightly different explanations of what each trait means. Regarding your disagreement with the description of extroversion, I believe that the factor analysis offers results broken down into percentages and the big five puts you on a spectrum because no one can be perfectly described as one category. People have elements of multiple traits that together create an individual’s personality. When I took these tests I scored higher on introversion, which I believe to be true, however I do not solely exist in an introverted state. Like you mentioned in the end of your post, in certain situations you act differently – you draw upon different elements of your personality to fit the situation. This fluidity of traits and states, as well as the influence of cultural and societal standards is what makes personality such a hard thing to concretely define, but nevertheless interesting to seeing the results these tests give us.


      1. Carina,

        “Influence of cultural and societal standards is what makes personality such a hard thing to concretely define”

        I think that was well said, describing something that cannot be measured or observed objectively. What would a culture’s personality be like? In a specific time and place. It’d be interesting to track a culture’s personality throughout history.

        People adapt to their environment constantly, from a behavioral perspective one’s personality would be like baking. Add genes as ingredients however the order in which one mixes and adds has a heavy impact on the final result. One could have the same ingredients but by mixing them differently will produce something completely different. It is determined and predictable based on they way it’s made-nurture.


    2. I think the disparity between your level of extroversion as measured by both tests was interesting. One of the tests classified me as an extrovert and the other classified me as an introvert. I suppose different tests (and cultures) classify extroversion in different ways.


    3. Tazeeya,

      I think you gave understandable examples of how a personality test can be quite narrow in assessment. Social norms and traditions in my Hawaiian family are different than other cultures. Each culture holds their own ethics and morals. It is clear there are differences therefore having one test to assess all can be partially blind. What may be considered extroverted in one place by be introverted in another. That goes for each category. Where is the baseline or standard in an assessment and how was that found? Can the world’s population be averaged into 16 types? It would be interesting to read anthropologist’s perspective on personality tests. I do not think the MBTI should be disregarded however, it is impossible to compile all ever changing cultures into an accurate personality assessment. But it should be noted the tests are biased by the American creators, limited research, and especially the test-taker.


  18. Assessing personalities

    The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was designed by a mother analyzing her future son-in-law’s personality. She and her daughter evolved the indicator for women in WWII to help them find a good job fit. This self test measures Carl Jung’s ideas of the human experiences which are; extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. It is useful in reflecting on oneself, observing relations with family, friends and coworkers, and tracking one’s development. Is it reliable? How many times could one take it and receive the same answers? A personality is meant to grow and develop therefore as time passes, should one’s results also change? Does this method of identifying one’s personality work across cultures, times, or for those who have mental illnesses? Would the age of the test taker impact it’s accuracy-are children developed cognitively or socially to be stable? Is dishonesty included in the scoring of a personality type? A person’s ego could be dictating the answers therefore perhaps the shadow is interrupting. The results are under 4 categories; analysts, diplomats, sentinels, and explorers. Does this mean that the world’s population fits under these 16 types?

    In my short experience with the MBTI, I have received the same “type” for 5 years. Does this mean I am consistent or that I have not grown? I feel this test is reflective but would not use it scientifically.

    The Big Five (FFM) divides the psyche into OCEAN; openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. In this method it is argued that personality is biological or that is is a sociocultural concept. What happens to scoring when someone has MMD, GAD, or PTSD? What does it mean to be agreeable? Could that be confused with hopeful? According to FFM, conscientiousness-high scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. Compared to what? Is there a norm or average? Does one answer weight more than another?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good Thinking! those tests have been criticized for having poor reliability and validity, and lacking scientific evidence.


  19. It was like torture taking the Big Five test and most of the questions did not apply to me. I kept tuning out because of how it was set up and for most of the questions my answers would fall right in the middle.

    Openness to Experience/Intellect- 16%
    Conscientiousness- 25%
    Extraversion- 74%
    Agreeableness- 69%
    Neuroticism- 49%


    1. I had the same issue when it came to the Big Five test… I felt like the majority of my answers were smack dab in the middle. I found it hard to choose either side when it came to certain questions, which probably lead to some inaccuracy on my final results… How did you score on the other test?


    2. I felt the same. A good amount of the questions i left the hole punch in the middle because i didn’t really know what to put or i just felt mutual about the questions they asked me. Do at least some of your percentages match how you are?


      1. Hi Chris and Michael, I am glad you guys were on the same page as me with this test.
        I felt like the percentages were still kinda off because of how I kept falling in the middle.


    3. I agree with you also. The way it was set up was very dull. And I don’t know, something about how the 16 personality test was, was just particularly likeable to me. Yeah for the big 5, I had to pick neutral. And the scoring on the personality test was much better, I feel. It was more specific.


  20. I took the Big 5 test and my results were:
    Neither organized nor disorganized
    Social and Outgoing
    Finds it easy to express irritation
    Laid back and relaxed

    These results for the most part are accurate expect for it stating that I’m rude and I find it easy to express irritation because I’m more of a laid back and passive person if anything. All my life I have been more of an extrovert and social more than anything. I enjoy having others in company and rather be out on a friday night rather than stuck at home. Also, I do tend to be more traditional rather than curious because i like to practice and grow on whats already known to me.


  21. On the 16 personalities test i got 53 percent introverted, 59 percent observant, 5666 percent feeling, 57 percent prospecting and 53 percent assertive. I disagree with me being slightly more feeling over thinking. I believe that over all i think more than i act with my feelings. I try to think about situations and go from there rather than act upon my feelings. Other than that i pretty much agree with every other aspect. Especially the higher percentage in the introverted column, i definitely stay back and observe my surroundings then act from there on based on what i observed.


  22. I think both test were fairly accurate for judging my personality…

    Big Five- Close minded (7%) Conscientiousness (52%) Introverted (31%) Agreeable (69%) Calm / Relaxed (43%)

    Factor Analysis- Introverted (54%) Observant (68%) Feeling (60%) Prospecting (51%) Assertive (59%)

    However, I found the Big Five test to be slightly less accurate. One disagreement I have with the Big Five test is that I feel like I’m more open minded when it comes to experiencing new things, but the test only had me in the 7 percentile. Another slight disagreement is that I feel that I’m a little more sociable than the test gave me credit for. Other than those two slight disagreements, I feel like both tests were an accurate measure of my personality.


    1. I agree. The Big Five Test was not my best result, and the questions were not very clear. I felt uncomfortable answering the last questions which were optional.


    2. I also think the Big 5 questions maybe could’ve been a little more specific and not so vague . I feel like if the questions were more specific the answers and results wouldn’t be so vague. To me personally I think theres more that factors into somebodies personalities and how they act day in and day out.


    3. I felt that the Big five test was inaccurate. Its questions were slated and ambiguous at best. Do you think you would get the same results if someone else answered the questions about you.


      1. Hi Shelli, the someone else or few people answers the questions about you; that will be interesting. You will supreme how much information can you get from another person about you than you think about yourself.


  23. The Big Five Project Personality Test results:
    O – 35%, some one conventional.
    C – 8%, well organized, and can be relied upon.
    E – 37%, shy away from social situations.
    A – 74%, consider the feeling of others.
    N- 9%, calm, even in tense situations.
    I found this self-report questionnaire more accurate than the previous one to describe my personality, but even so, I think these tests have poor reliability and validity. I am organized and a person that people can trust. I am shy, and I like to participate in social events but behind the scenes. I care about people. I grew up in a quiet and serene environment; I do not like to respond to mess with a mess. I try to withdraw from a heated situation. On the other hand, on openness to experience/intellect result, people with low scores, which I have, tend to be uncreative. This characteristic does not identify me at all. I went to fashion design school, and I was the first in my class. I have made handcraft jewelry for over eight years, and I have many happy clients for my work. However, like I said before, those tests are designed to give you an idea of what your personality may be; they do not test facts.


  24. I took both tests and I have never done a personality quiz. I feel the Big Five test was really inaccurate. The first one although the more accurate of the two, would be very different if I asked my kids or my husband to answer the questions. I feel that as a person I am not always honest with myself and that I may not answer a question truthfully because I am afraid that it would show a flaw in my personality. Sometimes we don’t want to think of ourselves as unorganized or abrasive even though these are traits we posses. I read the results of the first one to my husband and he said it was close to my personality.


    1. I agree with you 100%, we sometimes tend to not be all the way honest when answering one of these questions because we tend to focus on the results we want to see rather than whats 100% true.


    2. Hi Shelli,
      Interesting point you bring up, what if I have told someone else to answer the questions for me? We aren’t honest to our own selves at times. For example I know I can jump to conclusions but it is very hard for me to admit I’m doing that. If I had asked my fiancé’s input on some of these personalities questions Im sure he would have gotten different responses than I got.


    3. Hi shelli, I found myself doing that on a few questions as well… I didn’t want to answer truthfully on a few of them, but I think I’m going to go back and take it again to see if that makes a difference in my score.


    4. Hello Shelli!
      There seems to be a patterns between everyone and the first test (big five), as most people thought it was very inaccurate. I like the fact that you think if other people answered for it that it would be different, and i also think that is true. We perceive ourselves in our worst light i personally believe, and others see us as our true selves.. although.. most people can be bias as one person can perceive you as one way, and another can see you in another way. Do you think that could affect your results as well?


  25. As I was taking the test I felt nervous if I was answering them right. I over think my answers just like I would in any regular exam for a class. I feel this made have lead to inaccuracy on my results. In my opinion these personality tests are inaccurate I feel observational method to indicate their personality is the way to go.

    Also my results contradicted themselves between the two tests. For the big five tests I was 80% introverted but for the 16 personality test I was very close to the extraverted end of the scale. Another area where my test scores contradicted themselves was when I scored a 90% on being judgmental in the Big Five test but I scored a 90% on agreeableness in the 16 personality test. I feel that the cause of these differences where because I over thanked these questions the second time around. I did take the Big Five tests first then took the 16 personality.

    If I were to choose which tests best represents my personality it would definitely be the 16 personality.


    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      I was also unsure taking both of the test because I get anxiety plus I was doubtful of how accurate it would be, I had so much questions going through my head. I Finally found a way to talk myself into it telling myself it was not a test but more like a fun facts about me and it helped me over come it. I was not a fan of the big five test as well because my scores was off, I prefer the 16 personality test and I liked it so much that I got my family and friends to join me.


      1. This was my thought too. I felt like I was trying to pass something. It even made me question what answers I gave wondering if they were right. This is why in my post i said it would be interesting to see if someone else took the same test but regarding me how close would my answers be. I also found discrepancies between the two tests and I felt the questions were more tailored towards a specific answer, my reason for this is there was a question on the Big Five test regarding being a liberal but no question regarding any other political affiliation. The 16 Personality was better for a larger scale of questions.


      2. Hi Shukri and Shelli. I am glad I wasn’t the only one that was being doubtful of my own answers!


    2. I read your comments and the ones below on nervousness during the assessment and how different people’s views of us would allow for different results and initially I had the same problem but then that brought up another thought to our ,industry about how in class our professor was talking about how we change who we are dependingredients on what environment we are in. I took this information and channeled my most selfish self for example if they asked me a question about what I would do with a cookie jar and I’m by myself in the room. I would definitely eat the cookies if I was by myself but if I was with my gym trainer I would not. Even though I would not eat the cookies if my gym trainer was around that doesn’t mean I’m a person who makws healthy choices. Using that logic helped me to be a little more honest with myself and the results turned out amazing lyrics accurate. Just a suggestion perhaps. It seems like everyone agrees the 16 personalities test was the more accurate of the two. Thinking inorganic it a bit more there are many differences in the tests that would automatically make the 16 personalities test more accurate one of themy simply being that it asks more questions. This was by far my favorite class activity


      1. Hello Menubia,
        You make an interesting observation on connecting taking this test to the different environments we are put in. We do put on different personalities and decide to show different traits depending on when, where and who we are. Next time I take a personality exam I will try to channel my most selfish self and see what results I get.
        Going back to having different personalities in different environments, how do we know who we truly are? There’s so many faces we put on in just one day we rarely show who we truly are.


      2. It was hard for myself as well to answer honestly, especially when I had to come back to the blog and talk about it with my peers. I didn’t want to seem rude if I got wrong results, but tried to not let that factor in to how I answered. I also am a firm believer that your mindset when you take the test will reflect what your results are. If you are having an off day, and want to be a recluse I think you’re more likely to get introverted as a results even though you are truly and extrovert.
        When taking the test I tried my best to just answer with my quickest opinion to not allow my second judgment to interfere and skew the results. But I wonder if I would have gotten a different personality if I had thought more in-depth or questioned my initial reactions. For the most part, my results were pretty accurate for me, however I was apparently very critical and not agreeable on both tests. However, I do think that came from being angry with a friend, and had affected my results for that one time; as I generally feel I’m a easy going person.
        Overall I think it’s very interesting, but I think the best thing is not take it to heart, and dictate your life on the results.


    3. I felt the same way when I was taking this test! I kept overthinking my answers. Something that was tricking my mind was: Is this how I really am? OR Is this what I want to be like? I don’t like taking personality tests because I feel like I’m being judged and they’re are telling me how I’m like. Only you know yourself not a machine. In my case, there were pros and cons with both tests but I didn’t have a favorite one. Many things were not me but some were accurate on how I am. I also feel like it depends on how you feel. The environment can change your answers making it false. I am positive that If I were to take the test again, I could probably get different results.


    4. Hi Elizabeth, I agree about those tests being inaccurate. My results in both test did not match with my personality as I thought.


  26. I finally got to take both personality tests and I was guite amused with my results:
    My results going along with the Assessing Personality I aid I was a Protagonist, which I found to be encouraging. I have found that want to be a leader in life, and it is said that a protagonist are natural born leaders which I value for future reference. Anyway my test results also showed that I’m 83%- Extraverted, 56%- Intuitive, 72%- Judging, 68%- Feeling, 52%- Assertiveness.
    Though I didn’t think I was that judgemental, the majority of the test results gave me a new sense of who I am versus who I thought I was. I do tend to at times be overdramatic with how I fells towards certain situations so I can agree with that result 🙂
    Big5 test results:
    O-65%, this says that i am creative
    C-69%, I am seen as reliable and well organised. Though true I have my slacker days.
    E-79% Talkative, Sociable & Fun loving
    A-97%, good natured & sympathetic towards others
    N-14%, though I may come off as being calm and relaxed, lately I have caught my self getting overwhelmed with colleges mainly the application process’ somebody say stress

    Both personality test I feel as if gave me a better insight as to who I am. I really enjoyed taking time to learn interesting facts that was not really secure of beforehand.


  27. I finally got to take both personality tests and I was guite amused with my results:
    My results going along with the Assessing Personality I aid I was a Protagonist, which I found to be encouraging. I have found that want to be a leader in life, and it is said that a protagonist are natural born leaders which I value for future reference. Anyway my test results also showed that I’m 83%- Extraverted, 56%- Intuitive, 72%- Judging, 68%- Feeling, 52%- Assertiveness.
    Though I didn’t think I was that judgemental, the majority of the test results gave me a new sense of who I am versus who I thought I was. I do tend to at times be overdramatic with how I fells towards certain situations so I can agree with that result 🙂
    Big5 test results:
    O-65%, this says that i am creative
    C-69%, I am seen as reliable and well organised. Though true I have my slacker days.
    E-79% Talkative, Sociable & Fun loving
    A-97%, good natured & sympathetic towards others
    N-14%, though I may come off as being calm and relaxed, lately I have caught my self getting overwhelmed with colleges mainly the application process’ somebody say stress

    Both personality test I feel as if gave me a better insight as to who I am. I really enjoyed taking time to learn interesting facts that was not really secure of beforehand.


  28. As a few of my classmates, I took The Big Five a couple of months ago and not to my surprise it was fairly accurate about being traditional and preferring familiar experiences. I found it to be inaccurate regarding new experiences and social situations. The Big 5 placed me in the 27th percentile for social situations but although I am shy at first I do not stray away from social situations. I also love to travel and explore new places but not according to the Big 5. When I retook the test it did not have any major changes. The only change was in social situations it moved me one percentile higher. Which I still find inaccurate.

    As for the 16 Personalities Test I have an Advocate personality. I think this test was very accurate to my personality because the qualities of the advocate personality are introverted, insightful, determined, altruistic yet are perfectionists, sensitive and private. As I was reading the descriptions I could just imagine my name in those sentences. I think it very clearly portrays my personality. It even had a description of an advocate manager and how they don’t like to exercise their authority, they see coworkers as equals. And this was extremely true of me when I was an assistant manager, I would rarely use my position to tell my workers what to do instead I worked as a team with them. I made them feel equal but they knew and respected my authority. I believe it made the workers work more happily and productively if they felt equal and not “bossed” around.


  29. I could not believe how accurate both of these tests were when it came to telling me my personality.

    For the 16 Personalities:
    Mediator (INFP-T)
    79% Introverted
    55% Intuitive
    73% Feeling
    65% Prospecting
    84% Turbulent

    Big 5:
    O 15
    C 13
    E 2
    A 96
    N 76

    I personally liked the 16 personalities test better than the Big 5 because the questions were more specific and the feedback they gave was phenomenal. My personality has not really changed much since high school I am definitely still an introverted person. I would rather stay at home than go outside. Reading the explanation for a Mediator was very revealing about my own life. It helped me feel a little bit less weird knowing that there are people who feel and go through the things that I am going through. What I appreciated the most from it was I learned a little bit more about what careers and work environments I can thrive in. Whether it may be spot on or not it gave me another direction of career opportunities to explore. I have been struggling with understanding the type of person that I am and the career path I should take and this gave me a nice starting point.


    1. I agree that the 16 Personalities test is a little bit more accurate in assessing your personality. As well I realized that after reading my personality (Adventurer), I know a little bit more about myself.


    2. Wow, I find your introverted-extroverted results very interesting! Mostly because I was 51% Introverted and E-50. I was in the dead middle for both, and I was very surprised. I thought maybe it was a more general answer for everyone but to see how your results really emphasized one side shows that it wasn’t a fluke. I’d be interested to take the test another day and see if my results still come back in the dead middle.
      As far as the career path part, for my personality INFJ the options were spot on and actually is very close to what I am pursuing currently. I was surprised to see that my profession was named right on the article, and I felt pretty happy that I was actually following what was recommended. So with that in mind, I would take it with a grain of salt. Still follow what you want to do, but it might actually be beneficial to take a look at what they recommend.


  30. *16 Personalities*
    Personality Type: Consul (ESFJ-T)
    Extraverted: 59%
    Observant: 71%
    Feeling: 60%
    Judging: 55%
    Turbulent: 71%

    I was extremely surprised when the read “The Consul” description because it said,”People who share the ESFJ personality type are, for the lack of a better word, popular – which makes sense, given that is also a very common personality type, making up twelve of the population. In high school, ESFJs are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame.”
    Why am I surprised? Well, for starters, “taking the spotlight” is definitely not me… I tend to stay away from people/things that draws attention. I’ve never really wanted to be popular in school. I have only asked for a small, loyal group of friends. A strength for a Consul would be: that they are very loyal. Loyalty is a major factor in a friendship for me. I’m a very loyal person and I ask the same from the people I surround myself with. A weakness would be: “too selfless”. I believe this to be true, even my own mother. I usually think about other before myself. My mother is the complete opposite. She just think about anything that can benefit herself than other. Personally, I feel good when helping others.

    *Big Five*
    O – 5%
    C – 30%
    E – 31%
    A – 10%
    N – 76%

    For the 16 Personalities test, I got Extraverted 59% but for the Big Five, I received 31%. I agree more with the Big Five results because when being surrounded in a new social environment, I tend to stay away and not talk. I’ve made a connection between my 5% (Openness to Experience/Intellect: You prefer traditional and familiar experiences) with 31% (Extraversion: You tend to shy away from social situations). I mentioned before how I don’t really mix in with a new social group. I like being in surroundings that I am familiar with. Meaning: I prefer to be with the same small group of people I know already, than meeting new people. It’s sad for me to say that I’m not surprised that this test said “Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly.” I’m not good with balancing out schoolwork and money work. For anyone who works and studies, they know how hard it is to balance it all out. I still need to find a way to manage my time to have time for everything. The stress makes me disorganized.

    Overall: I have mixed feelings on what to think about the tests because they have really accurate results and on the other hand some extremely opposite things about me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Cristina!
      I also got Consul, and was so surprised I even scored that. I never wanted to be popular in high school and was never even closed to being a jock or cheerleader. Funny that you mention loyalty because that is a main trait of mines. Why do you think being loyal and being so called “popular” be related personality wise? In my experience in high school, the popular girls were definitely not the most loyal crowd.


  31. Big Five:
    Openness – 65%
    Conscientiousness – 8%
    Extrovert – 79%
    Agreeableness – 22%
    Neuroticism – 66%

    I have taken this test within the last couple of months, and was surprised at the changes within my results. For starters, my openness to new experience score has increased. When I last took this test I was surprised that I scored under the 50% on my openness to new experience, because I have always viewed myself as a rather open-minded person. My agreeableness percentile also showed to have decreased from prior testing. I was not surprised at either of these changes because I feel that I have been noticing more complexities within my thoughts and viewpoints, and that I have been more immersed in self-education and research. I also have been more comfortable when expressing myself in conversation, which has lead to be more confident in my opinion. That would explain the lowering in my agreeableness percentile. On the other test I was given the ENTP type “The Debater”. The test revealed that I am an intuitive type and a thinker. I felt that this test gave me a more accurate read on my personality type. I have always viewed being knowledgeable as something that is really important, for myself and the people I surround myself with. The test also said that I may have a difficult time focusing, which is also something that I know to be true. If it is not something that sparks my interest right away, it becomes hard for me to focus very quickly. This test also stated that I have a tendency to play devil’s advocate, which I do agree with to an extent. I will play devil’s advocate in certain disagreements, just to make sure each part of the story is told, but I will not sacrifice my own stance in order to do so.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. 16 Personalities:
    I took the 16 personalities test twice and found it to be pretty accurate on personality traits. Both times i got the same results. The test stated I had personality type: Mediator. The mediator is described as someone poetic, selfless and eager to help. I found this so surprising because I enjoy writing poetry and my major is social work. This is one of many reasons as to why I found this test accurate and fun to read the results. My individual traits were introverted-52%. I do enjoy being alone without feeling lonely. Personally I find it is the best way to recharge and have no outside influence but growing up in a big family I also have no problem being around people for a little while. Thinking back even in those situations where I am around people I always find time for quiet or more relaxed time. The test then said I was 59% intuitive. One article on the 16 personalities websites compares intuitive and feelings. The article point out that intuitive people are “always questioning, wondering and making connections”. I found my self doing this so often. Beinintroverted all these connection go unspoken unless I feel those surrounding me understand or have known me. 58%,prospecting and 64%, turbulent 52% which focus on flexibility but also being sensitive to stressful and emotional situations. I find these traits to be accurate and interesting. I feel it also helps me with confidence and assurance Test points out I seek constant improvement which is true. If I fall 7 times I get up 8.


    1. Fynesse… I felt the same way about it being pretty accurate… I dont know about you but… i feel some things you realize about yourself but some things like that the results showed I didn’t realize until actually reading it and then thinking… yes!!! that is so me…


      1. I completely agree with your point about you not realizing you had those qualities until you read it. Usually as people we don’t know our good qualities cause we think we’re so imperfect. Do you think these results were good and helped you feel you are “catergorized” as a good person.


      2. Courtney, i felt the same way about the realization of my personality after the test. i took it twice and for the same results each time for the 16 personalities test. i did not get the same results on the big 5 personality test which i also took twice. that test was much more vague and had questions that’s seemed irrelevant to personality development.


  33. http://www.outofservice.com/bigfive/results/?oR=0.625&cR=0.5&eR=0.656&aR=0.694&nR=0.406&y=1990&g=m
    Those were my results to the big 5
    my results to the other test

    With my personality test from the other site I received a protagonist rating.
    My feeling of personality tests is I tend to be honest in some regards and find myself stretching the truth in others. However for this one I made sure I was more honest. I came back as and extroverted person on both tests. The trait test hit the nail on the head more than the big 5. I do hold a seat on my local school committee which required me to be extraverted and at community events I’m not afraid to introduce myself to new people. Although there are situations in which I am not so willing to talk to others. I do tend to be careless sometimes in everyday life. But I must say after I got married I rarely forget my keys or wallet, and over the past few years I have been more focused on detailed planning and setting routines, and the results showed that. Mainly due to my procrastination tendencies. Overall I do think it was a fair assessment of my self. I don’t think I judge that much but maybe I am just trying to protect my own self worth.


    1. Hello Robert,

      i am glad you pointed out that sometimes we stretch the truth so we kind find our self, I was torn when I was taking the tests of finding a balance. But I do believe as we grow or change environment our personality finds a way to adjust its self for example how being involved in your community events made you more extroverted.


  34. Before I took the personality test I was a bit skeptical, I was so like how is a computer going to tell me who I am but after I took the 16 personality all suddenly everything made sense. For as longs I can remember I have been caught in the middle of friends and family always being the peace maker. My immediate response would always be I did not sign up for this! But still I would do anything in my power to change everyone’s mood and have everyone on the same page, as if it was my duty. After taking the 16 personality test my results were mostly accurate I am ESFP personality I’m very outgoing, friendly and very comfortable dealing with all types especially spending time with people I enjoy being with. I am all about (PMA) Positive Mind Attitude because I can easily mirror the mood of others around me. Anyways some people might say that I am obnoxious, silly, and funny. Others might think I am offensive, unmannered, disrespectful? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I am a strong character and that there are certain people who naturally gravitate towards me; I also know that I am a very smart, and caring generous person and the coolest thing since sliced bread. But most importantly what I know is that it doesn’t matter at all to me what others hold in confidence about me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is amazing, right? It is phenomenal how we are able to take abstract ideas and measure them! We are able to measure things that are not physically real. I would also like to agree that the tests are accurate. In the 16 personalities test, I got 76% introverted. I would say that is correct. I find comfort in being alone. I am not really outgoing and I do not enjoy social activities or parties. And on the Big Five test, for the openness to experience/intellect, I got close-minded. That is also fairly true. I like to have a routine. Once that routine is broken or altered, I get disgruntled. I think it is amazing how we are able to measure these traits and personalities. However, what is more impressive, is how accurate these tests are.


  35. Honestly, I think that the 16 personalities test is a reliable source. It stated that I had a the personality type: The Logician. As for my individual traits, I am 76% introverted. I have to say that I do keep to myself a lot. I am not a people-person at all. I like spending time alone, it makes me feel at peace. Another individual trait was that I was 70% intuitive. I was not sure what to say about this one as I never really thought about it often. I also got 58% in thinking. I guess it is kind of true. I like to think about some things, but I can never really be creative. Another trait that I got was 74% prospecting. The last trait I got was 79% turbulent. I guess I do worry a little about how others perceive me. Overall, the test was okay; I think it pinpoints my personality pretty well.

    As for the Big Five test, I would have to say it is not too far from the truth either. According to the site, on the “O” scale (openness to experience/intellect), I am close minded. I would have to say that is mostly true. I like for things to be in routine; once things shift away from that routine, however, I start to feel a bit like a mess. As for the “C” scale (conscientious), I tend to be disorganized. That is partly true as well. I am not exactly neat but not disorderly either. On the “E” scale (extraversion), I am introverted. This I believe to also be true. I am not a big fan of parties and social events much. I would much rather stay home by myself to be honest. For the “A” scale (agreeableness), I fall in between the middle and being agreeable. Although I do consider the feelings of others most of the time, I would like to argue that sometimes pointing out what is right is more important than feelings (just an opinion). Lastly, for the “N” scale (neuroticism), I am between the middle and nervous/anxious. Honestly, I think that I would be more in the middle. I am usually calm and collected about most things. However, I do tend to get anxious around needles and such (irrational fear of mine) or when I am at a social event and do not know anybody. This test was close to my personality as well. Out of these two tests, I would like to believe the Big Five. I think it is a bit more accurate and precise than the 16 personalities test.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Alexander,
      I have similar thoughts about not thinking about the intuitive part. Something that I was thinking while I was taking the 16 personality test was that sometimes we have a type a personality that we do not think about until someone or something tells us.


  36. I just took the 16-Personalities Test, and I was surprised with the outcome. According to the results, my personality type is Consul (ESFJ-A); extroverted, which I think I am not, observant, feeling, judging, and assertive. People with this personality tend to have high practical skill a sense of duty, very loyal, sensitive, warm, and good connecting with people. Those are the strengths of ESFJ which I can see myself with some of those characteristics. I am a good manager of day-to-day tasks, and I like to keep a routine. Trust is crucial and helping to do the right thing are some of my values. I am sure that I am more from a sense of intrinsic drive than social expectation, and not all the way around as ESFJ describes. I also like to be in harmony, and I am careful not to offend or hurt anyone with my words or actions. I believe deeply in having a connection with people.
    On the other hand, looking at my personality’s weaknesses, I do not see that it matches with my personality at all. ESFJ’s weaknesses describe it as worried about their social status, inflexible, reluctant to innovate or improvise, vulnerable to criticism, and often too needy. I am concerned about people around me, friends and family, without thinking about my social status. I am open-minded and like to innovate and look for new ideas. I like to improve my life, and I accept when I am wrong. When people make constructive criticisms about me, I accept them and try to rectify them. I do not like destructive criticism in general.
    Overall, 16-Personality Test did not see accurate measures of my personality. I found that this test has a tendency to endorse vague generalizations that could apply to anyone. I would like to take this test again to compare the results to see if they are the same. When I took this test, I was upset and sad; maybe my behavior had influenced my answers. The same day, I took the Big Five Project Personality Test and the results were more accurate, which I will talk about in my next post.


    1. Hello Cristina! I enjoyed reading your statement because I do not agree 100% with any kind of test. Even though the test describe somewhat my personality I think it does not definitely says who I am. I like that you did not agree or disagree with the test but you clearly described your personality.


      1. Thank you Silvana! those tests have poor reliability and validity, and lacking scientific evidence. they don’t test facts, so I am not big fan of those personality test.


  37. I’m a Mediator (INFP-T)
    69% Introverted
    66% Intuitive
    56% Feeling
    59% Prospecting
    54% Turbulent

    I think this personality is for the most part quite accurate since I try to see the good in people and how to bring it out. However I am reserved so I can’t really do that in real life. The reason why I look shy is because if given the opportunity I can talk about topics that I am passionate about, and I can’t be stopped until I run out of breath. Also like the Mediators I’m truly excited when reading a new manga chapter which adds more to the fantasy worlds within the pages. With the few friends that I have, have know most of them since childhood, and I am extremely open with them to the point where they tell me to take a breath once in a while.

    The Big 5 OCEAN:
    Openness to Experience 24% I’m somewhat down to earth, uncreative, conventional
    Conscientiousness 46% I’m neither organized or disorganized
    Extraversion 9% introverted, I enjoy peace and quiet
    Agreeableness 57% I’m neither forgiving nor irritable
    Neuroticism 32% I’m for the most part relaxed

    Most of the assessment is correct since I am in the middle of agreeable and conscientious. I have a messy room, but when I need to get something out from my room I will know where it is for most of the time. However I don’t really see my self as relax. Sure I appear to be calm there are times I can’t seem to calm down. Guess I’m just good at hiding these things or not and I am just delusional with these sort of things.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Cesar,

      I got the same exact personality. I also try to see the good in people and although I too am reserved if you make your presence persistent in my life that is when I pay attention to you and am able to see the good in you. What I don’t like about myself and it spoke about it in the description, is that I look to see the good in people so hard that I ignore all the bad signs which often ends in less than favorable results. My room is also very messy but there is a method to my madness. Although it looks a mess I know where everything is. I sometimes wonder why I can’t just keep my room clean. Funnily enough whenever I do clean my room I have no idea where I put anything. Mediators are interesting people and supposedly we make up 4% of the population which isn’t rare but it makes us few.


      1. Hi Menubia,

        You basically just gave an accurate description of me. like how I don’t see a person as evil when I meet them, and I really try to see even a small glimmer of goodness in a person. However when I clean my room I can find it easily, it’s just when someone else moves my stuff I overreact and demolish my room until that object is found.


  38. On the Big Five Personality test, I scored on the lower end of the Openness to Experience / Intellect scale. High scorers on this scale tend to be creative, curious, and complex. Lower scorers, like myself, tend to be more “conventional” and “down to earth.” On the Conscientiousness scale, I scored 69% – meaning I am an organized and reliable individual. I scored a 96% on the Extraversion scale, which is an indication that I am extremely sociable and outgoing. I scored the same on the Agreeableness scale. High scorers on this scale are usually caring, courteous, and supportive people. I scored on the very low end of the Neuroticism scale, at the 1 percentile, which indicates that I am most likely to remain calm, even under very stressful situations.

    The 16 Personalities test yielded similar results. On the Mind scale, or how I interact with my environment, I am 89% Extraverted – again, extremely sociable. I am 66% Observant – “down to earth,” “practical,” and less intuitive. On the Nature scale, the trait that determines how one makes decisions and copes with emotions, I am 81% Feeling. Feeling individuals, like myself, are sensitive and can easily express their emotions. We tend to be more empathic and less competitive than Thinking individuals. On the Tactics scale, I am 72% Judging. Judging individuals like clarity, structure, organization, and planning. I am 94% Assertive on the Identity scale. Assertive individuals are confident, do not worry or stress as much, and are not as hard on themselves it comes to achieving goals. I was classified as an ESFJ-A personality, otherwise referred to as, “The Consul.”

    I must say, the 16 Personalities test nailed it right on the head! I certainly enjoy social gathering, so much so that I am often hosting social gatherings at my place. I enjoy bringing people together and watching everyone enjoy themselves. I would say I am down-to-earth and easy going. I am not, by any means, creative – I somehow missed that trait. I am big on organization! I believe that when one allows a mess into their personal spaces, such as work desk or home, they welcome a mess into their lives, so I try to keep things in order. I also have no problem denying that the majority of the time, I am – as my ex-beau used to say, “All emotion and no rationale.” If I am not careful, or conscious, my emotions will lead me. I have had to learn to control my emotions and not let them control me. Though I wear my heart on my sleeve and find it easy to put myself in other people’s shoes (not literally), to feel what they are feeling. I have also done a lot of inner work to become the confident and grounded woman that I am today. In my moments of doubts, I always remind myself, “Confidence is key.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Yajaira,
      I am also “The Consul” on 16-personality Test. According to this test, I am extroverted (53%) which I am not. The characteristics described by this type of personality fit 75% of my personality. In my opinion, personalities test in general have a tendency to endorse vague generalizations that could apply to anyone. For that reason, they have been criticized for having poor reliability and validity, and lacking scientific evidence.
      Thank you for sharing your results,


      1. Cristina,

        That’s very interesting how you felt that it didn’t truly describe who you were, and that’s no surprise. Not one person in the world is the same, and it’s our environment that shapes us. I am wondering if you take the test a year from now and so on if it’ll match your personality more. Of course we cannot rely on one simple test to determine who we are, it is interesting to find out what it knows but it’s also an eye opener. We could all take something we learned about ourselves from this test to help us be better people! 🙂


    2. Yajaira,

      I like what you said about organization. Organization has never been my strong suit, but I do believe you are right when you say that allowing mess in to your space creates mess within your life. My personality type is ENTP “The Debater”, and my ratings indicate that I’m more of a thinker than a feeler. Although I do try to incorporate logic as much as I can, I am also the type to wear my heart on my sleeve, and I do try to form my logic from an empathic mindset. I feel that as I have gotten older, I have also learned to be more careful, which has caused me to place logic over my emotions in certain cases.

      Liked by 1 person


    Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.

    Introverted: 63%
    Intuitive: 89%
    Feeling: 62%
    Prospecting: 72%
    Turbulent: 77%

    This does seem a lot like me, due to the fact that I keep to myself a lot and I connect amazingly with people who think just like me. I get worried a lot and I mean, this was very interesting.

    Big 5:

    This is a mix of me and not of me, its hard to tell, I am a bit disorganized and definitely introverted, closed-minded is definite but agreeable is a mix. Depending on a lot of what is meant. I am definitely nervous though.


    1. Hello Michaela,
      I also got Mediator but my “category” was (INFP-T). Our scores vary slightly so i guess that would make for the difference in categories. Why do you think your results came out differently in the Big 5 test? When I went to take the Big 5 test at first I thought it would come out differently from the 16 personalities test because of the way the questions were worded but luckily for me it turned out the same. If you read the details about the mediator type did you feel like they were describing your life? I felt that way and before taking this test I did not pay much attention to personality tests. I found all of this interesting and hopes it helps all of us understand more about ourselves and how we interact with the world around us.


  40. In past years, i have taken different personality tests and none felt quite right until i took the 16personality test. I have had many struggles in life, as i’m sure many do as well, that i felt it effected my personality in numerous ways. Recently i feel like i’ve slowly begun feeling more like myself, and the results i’ve gotten on these tests show that. I was really intrigued when the professor mentioned in class that our personalities are often changing and that it was normal. Some aspects of my personality, according to previous tests, have not changed like “traditional and familiar experiences” as the BIG5PROJECT stated as well as “good-natured, courteous and supportive”. Something that i keep going back and forth on is whether i’m an introvert or an extravert, because it really depends on the situation i am in, right now i’m an extravert. I think the 16Personality test was the most accurate regarding my personality because it revealed the small little aspects of my personality that i didn’t think a test would detect. My result for that test was ESFJ or “The Consul”. Something that i thought was interesting was that the first thing it said was that i was “The Popular Kid”, my mind went straight to the typical 1990’s high school movies which was not what they meant at all. As i was reading about myself in the 16Personality test, i laughed a lot at the accuracy regarding work and relationships with others. Some of my weaknesses were “often too needy” but also “too selfless”, i’m not sure how those two go hand in hand, but it is extremely accurate.


    1. Iara,

      I absolutely loved the 16Personalities test, I felt like it really described me to the T. When I read my results, which also considered me an ESFJ personality (Twinning!), I was amazed as how accurate it described me. However, there were some things I disagreed with. One of the weaknesses of an ESFJ personality is “Worried about their social status” – which I can not relate to. While I do enjoy social gatherings and outings, I am not too concerned with where I stand with others, or allow it to preoccupy my mind and effect the decisions I make as the test suggests. I also do not feel, or at least think, that I am “needy” as the study suggests. I think everyone loves a compliment, but I wouldn’t say I’m out “fishing” for them. Though I will say, being too selfless is certainly one of my weaknesses. I have had to learn to take care of myself before trying to take care of others and sadly, not everyone wants to be helped. I guess everything must be in moderation.


      1. Yajaira,

        It’s very interesting how we are the same personality type yet kind of different. I could agree with you on “worried about their social status” but i think in a different way, i like to be viewed by others as a kind dependable person and if i am viewed in a bad way it bothers me. So maybe that’s what i meant by social status atlas regarding me. I feel as though even though it was pretty accurate, there are things that could be interpreted in many different ways because none of us live the same life, there are things that effect us and change us daily, and even though we keep our core values, different things are interpreted by different people. Being too selfless, in my opinion, can’t always be a bad thing. We care for those we love, and sometimes we do forget to take care of ourselves, but we know that, for the most part, the people who loves us will take care of us too.


    2. I totally agree with professor as well when she said that our personalities keep changing. I have taken the test before and got a completely different answer due to me taking it a year ago. Our personalities and the way we think change a lot as time passes. I also agree with you when you said that being extroverted and introverted depends on what is going on currently in my life. That can greatly impact how i react to things, problem solve, etc.


  41. To me it’s pretty crazy that these tests can assess your personalities while only asking 50 to 100 questions. In the 16 personalities assessment I scored as introverted, observant, feeling, prospecting, and turbulent. In the Big 5 assessment I scored low in openness and conscientiousness, middle in extraversion and agreeableness, and pretty low in neuroticism. I feel as though these tests are pretty accurate but they did differ in some categories. The one that I felt that was the most intersting was the extraverison and intraversion. That category confuses me because I feel as though I can both. It’s not like I’m one or the other. I’m not exactly sure about it, but I thought it was interesting.


    1. Hi Andy,
      I agree with you, I found it surprising also that the test could assess our personality in so few questions. I feel that those questions aren’t the only questions that contribute to our personality but it does help us get a better understanding about ourselves.


  42. I loved taking these tests… they were spot on about the kind of person I am… first test I was Defender (ISFJ-A) … and second test I scored
    I’m not sure how it worked out for everybody else as in how accurate… but I also believe it is how you are answering the questions… I feel you really have to put some thought into it and be truthful about it to get an accurate result!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am a feeler 70% thinking 30%
        introverted 58% extroverted 42%
        observant 68% intuitive 32%
        judging 73% prospecting 27%
        assertive 76% turbulent 24%


  43. I took the two tests and they both mostly describe my personality. But in the other hand I do not think it is fundamental because people sometimes act different than they think they would in different situations. I think sometimes our actions are not only the results of our personality but there can be influenced by our surrounding. Depending on people who can be involved in those situations, how much we care about. I also think people get adopted to different kind of situations. This explains when same person, at the same situation but in different time act differently. It is the same personality and the same situation but the action is different that is because they are adapted to the situations. If we talk about impulsive personality, it is okay to be you but also can not say “I am impulsive, this is my personality and I am going to act like me” that is not right. I do not think people should start acting how different type of personality tests describe them because most people after the tests start thinking of them selves how they are described on tests. However I mostly agree with personality tests, it describes our personality but are not fundamental. I watched the video and I understand now why I have to answer the 122 or more questions in job application I have done. Still here I do not think is 100% useful because someone can start the job not because it perfectly match but because need the job and in the end does a better job than someone else who perfectly matched.


      1. My results for 16 personality: Executive (ESTJ-A) Extraverted 77% Observant 64% Thinking 54% Judging 64% and the last trait Assertive 70%
        For the big five I got Openness to Experience/Intellect 35% somewhat conventional, Conscientiousness74% well organized and relible, Extraversion 48% Neither particularly social or reserved, Agreebleness 83% good natured, courteous, and supportive, Neuroticism 9% probably remain calm,even in tense situations.


  44. I wasn’t really surprised about my results for the personality and big five test. For personality test, it suggested I was an entertainer which is mostly true about my self. I wouldn’t say that I am the “life of the party” however I do love going to social gatherings and enjoying myself. Also it said I was 64% extraverted which in my opinion I feel is very true. I love to do things for my school which I guess can make me outgoing or extraverted. For the big 5 test, it was much longer than the personality test. It asked mostly social questions. Like the personality test, I wasn’t really shocked with the results. However, I was shocked with some of my answers for the questions. For example, it asked about my mood and if it changes, and I guess at times it does. Also, the test results showed that I am not much of an organizer as I thought I was, and when it comes to performing tasks underpressure, I get anxiety and tend to get nervous and tense. I find that very true from experiencing it myself, that I’m not that great at doing things under pressure. I’ve noticed this when I work and I have all types of distractions and people rushing me. I found the big five test more interesting because it made me think about how I am around my work and in social situations.


  45. When takin these two personality tests I was not surprised by results. On the first test my personality type came up as a DEFENDER (ISFJ-T). It showed me as 57% introverted which was not a surprise. For my whole life I had been on the shier, more laid back side. I have never been a social butterfly and tend to spend the majority of time with the people I am most comfortable and closest to. The assesment also showed that I am mainly an observer and rely mostly on my feelings. I have always known that I rely mostly on my feelings and emotions, I feel they are one of they most important things that shape who we are as a person. That reflected when I scored 65% relying on my feelings. I scored 56% obseravent which checks out because in each of my classes I usually observe and listen to others more than I raise my hand to contribute my opinion. Listening helps me understand a topic better to obtain the information. My shy introvert side also affects my class participation, I am not the most confident unless I completely understand a subject.
    On the big five test my results were also what I had predicted. The test results said I prefer familiar things, I tend to do things haphazardly (lacking order or planning), I enjoy spending quiet time, I am considerate of others feelings and fall in the middle when it comes to worrying and calmness. This test seemed to hit it head on. I am definitely not the most organized, although I get things done, its not always the neatest. Take a look at my car or bedroom and you’ll see my messy side. Most of my worries come from the idea that I need to please everyone because I feel that peoples feelings are very important and I try to always take them into consideration. Lastly I agree with my results when it comes to worrying and being calm, I feel some days I worry a lot whereas other days I am very calm, these things tend to changed based on the situation and mood I am in. These test were very informative and confirmed what I already believed was true about myself.


    1. I was also a Defender and feel it was very spot on… I enjoyed reading your comment and your explanations on why you agree with the results!! good job mine wasn’t as informative 🙂


    2. Josilyn,

      I found this statement particularly interesting, “I am not the most confident unless I completely understand a subject.” I’m the same way actually as I don’t like to speak on a subject unless I feel like I can add something that isn’t already common knowledge. Otherwise, I feel like I’m just echoing the obvious. I’m also very disorganized in the eyes of those closest to me, but I feel like I have my own way of doing things that works well for me so I don’t sweat it. I think it all comes down to how you manage to work with the “mess” and still get things done.


      1. I also feel like I am able to manage with my disorganized style, its sometimes gets hard though when it comes to forgetting where you put your school work!


    3. Hello Jocelyn!
      I got a different outcome for results as i came out as an ADVOCATE type. Yet i find it intriguing how we still have some of the same personality traits. I tend to not want to be the center of attention in big situations, which seems to be like you. But the difference i see between us is that i am not afraid to speak my mind if i feel something is wrong, yet i do it in a respectful way so that nobody gets hurt. Maybe we all have some similarities together, but there are things that can be different between us. I also like my quiet time, time for me to get my thoughts together and take some relaxing time for myself. My alone time is very essential and important to me. I need it to feel rejuvenated a lot of the time. Something we don’t have in common though is that i like things to go in order, and things not in routine make me anxious. So i find it funny how we have things so similar, but things also very different between the two of us.


    4. I’m surprised that my scores didn’t really define me that well. I wish I would of gotten something about my feelings, unless I didn’t pay attention that much, I might have to take it again to take a closer look. So far, from what I’ve seen in class though, you are quiet and you mostly do listen. So it’s curious to see what my scores are. I try to be observant, but once I focus on observing, my mind wanders.

      I did think these test were informative though, and it just gives you a different perception of who you are.


  46. After watching that video i now realize how important personality is for a work place, and day to day life. As professor Veronica said in my class today, some jobs require you to take a personality test. At first i was confused as to why they would do that, but after watching that video, it does make perfect sense. If your personality does not m match up with what the job wants, in the end, wether without a test or not, you will not last very long there. I for one am a very hard worker, but i tend to become anxious if things are not done as they routinely are. This does not take away from my work ethic, but for some jobs my loyal and hard work ethic might not be enough for them if they fear that i cannot handle stressful situations. I believe that the scores that i got for both tests are very accurate.
    I got Advocate personality (INFJ-T) for the 16 personalities test. It stated that i am 52% introverted, 62% intuitive, 73% feeling (for the nature category), 70% judging (for the tactics category), and 79% Turbulent.
    Once my results came up that i was an ADVOCATE personality, it stated that my personality type was very rare and that it makes up less than one percent of the population.. which blew my mind! It also said that; “as members of the diplomat group role group advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not dile dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact”. These were things that I’ve heard my mom describe my personality as, but i never expected to hear it from another source!
    The said other people who were Advocate personalities are/were Martin luther king, nelson mandela, Mother Teresa, and Alanis Morissette. To be compared to such outstanding people really blew my mind. Im hoping another person got the Advocate personality so we can chat about it, cause its pretty amazing to read about!
    For the Big five test i got for the Openness to expirence/intellect category that i am somewhat conventional (35%), For the Conscientiousness category, I got that i am neither organized or disorganized (41%). For the Extraversion category i got that i I tend to shy away from social situations (37%). For the Agreeableness category i got that I am good natured, courteous, and supportive (90%) and lastly for the Neuroticism category i got that i am generally an anxious person that tends to worry about things (84%).
    All together, if a job was hiring me and they asked me to take those two personality tests, i think that they would be astounded by my first test answers, but my nervous tendencies that are explained in my second test might make them question things. The big 5 play a big role in everyones personality traits, and I’m glad to now know what i am considered in that part of psychology now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you.. If i was applying for a job and they asked me to take the ” Big five” , i think my results would portray me as ” perfect ” and no one is perfect.. As for the 16 Personality test , it displays my weakness and my strengths which can givean employer a better feel of what time of person i am and how i would possibly perform in their workplace.


      1. Hello Tiffany, thanks for replying to my comment.
        I’m glad to see that someone agrees with me on my opinion for the jobs aspect of these personality tests. Which test an employer chooses can make or break if someone is hired for them.
        Maybe the big five test is made to boost your self esteem? or show a person their good qualities, as the other test is based around the good and negative qualities of the person’s personality.
        Maybe some jobs would choose the big five test because it will show the good qualities of the person and that is all they need to see. Maybe a job would chose the other test because they want to know what to expect if what they need to expect is bad?
        I’m glad you replied so that i could get another opinion on that issue!


  47. I am not a fan of the “The Big Five Project” Personality test for many reasons. My main reason is that I do not like the questions that were asked, especially the last final questions. I feel like they are vague. I also do not think there should be questions about your parents because their lives or the way they lived their lives should not determine my personality. I also do not like that their explanation of the test are very short.. To some small degree I guess this test has some things that are accurate about me.. But again their results are very vague.

    However, the other test I think is very accurate. I have took this test before and scored completely different from today.. The results I got back in December of last year were not a true description of myself. I believe that when one takes a test like this a lot of things can factor in to their results. I think a person’s state of mind, environment, mental and emotional state can play a role on how they answer the questions. I am in better space than I was in back in December and I think that is what affected my results. I received (ENFJ, -A/-T) Protagonist Personality. This test describes me to the “T”. Everything from, being a natural leader, reliable, too selfless, too sensitive to doing what I love most and that is helping other people. I like this test better than the other test because it is very detailed.

    This test helped me to better understand myself better and re-evaluate some things.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Tiffany! I am at the same opinion you are, I do not think personality tests do not determine your personality. Also if you take the test in different days you will score differently and this is not because we are not being honest with the answers every time we take the test but it is because of how we fell and think in that particular day we are taking the test. And it is not because we are emotionally unstable or our mood change but because we have diversity thoughts and acts.


      1. Hey silvana… I don’t really agree with you thinking it may change depending on the day you take the test… I feel that the test is very vague and the questions do not apply to the present just an overall question about the way you feel about things or how you would react to things… but I definitely do not feel that it depends on the day… What kind of results did you get and did any of them pertain to you or were they all wrong? just wondering


      2. Hello Courtney! It actually describe my personality but still I do not think it determine who we are. You can check my post, it explain my opinion and why. Also i have posted my results.


    2. Hi Tiffany,
      I agree with you very much, the big 5 test was pretty vague. My results although vague like you mentioned, were accurate too. I also think the second test was the better of the two which also had accurate results for me. You described both of these tests head on.


      1. Hi Josilyn, so today I was talking to my boss about the test and she stated that there are many different tests that can really break down who we are. I didn’t think there could be a more detailed than the 16 personality test, but there is. I thought my results were pretty on point but i guess there are many ways one can learn about themselves.


    3. I wasn’t a fan of the Big Five either, I didn’t like how my parents lives had to come into play for my personality? My parents are catholic, my mom is this shy little women who gets so mad she upsets herself but never says her feelings out loud, so to others, she’s her happy little old lady. My dad has a short temper that anything from handling him the spoon the wrong way to bumping into him makes him mad, but is this funny, fragile old man. I have short=temper but for people taking long to answer/respond back. I’m just impatient. This test gives you this giant summary that from the outside it gives you a broad idea of who you are.
      For the other test, I had taken this a while back and I got the same results. But I should try to take this test in like two years and compare my results.


      1. I agree with you on not being a huge fan of the Big 5 test for the same reason. The questions at the end seemed to me to be a bit irrelevant. I don’t think where I grew up or any information having to do with my parents defines my personality.


      2. I thought it was interesting that I took the test about two years ago and the results were pretty reliably the same. I encourage you to take the test again after some time has passed.


    4. Tiffany,
      I also find the Big Five Model to be too vague of a test in order to gauge someone’s personality. Since the questions are so vague, I feel that it leads to personality types to be clumped together, and doesn’t showcase the differences within certain personality types. I also found the other personality test to be much more accurate. You bring up a good point when you say that outside factors can effect the way you answer these questions, and I believe that is something that should be taken into consideration more. This is also a good way to define the changes in our results even over a short period of time.


    5. I agree that the big five project isnt the most accurate measure of assessing your personality, but it certainly helps. The questions with the parents I agree that they shouldn’t factor into your personality. And the fact that after taking the test again after a year your scores were totally different, is pretty eye opening. It shows how much a person can change only over the course if one year.


    6. I definitely agree with you about how the state of mind, environment, and emotion can affect your answers. If you’re feeling positive, then your scores will be about positive descriptions. It’s important to know who you are and not let a test tell you who you are. They don’t know what going on in your brain to be as accurate as possible. For the parent question from Big 5, in my opinion, it could affect you because their environment could’ve had an effect on their lives. If they grew up in a tough, strict environment then you will possibly be treated strictly. For me, my mother grew up without the affection with her mother. So, my mother was never really affectionate with me as a child. She wasn’t used to being affectionate with others. Many factors can play major roles in your personality as we have learned in P. Nuzzolo’s class.


    7. Hello Tiffany! I, too, am not a fan of the Big 5 personality test. I couldn’t understand why it mattered where I live and why it wanted to know about my friend, and yes, I wasn’t a fan of the results either. There wasn’t an explanation of them and for the 16 personality test, I loved how it showed my percentage and gave a thorough description of my results. And how interesting that you got Protagonist personality and a totally different score your last time! The first time I took the 16 personality test, I got Entertainer Personality. The second time my results were different. I ended up with Adventurer Personality


    8. Tiffany, I agree with your opinions on the big5 quiz. It was not enjoyable to take and I feel like it was almost difficult because of how vague the questions were. There were very few questions, which is why I believe my results were so inaccurate. I was almost offended at some of the things that this quiz pinned me to be just because almost every adjective it used to describe people who got the scores I did had a negative connotation. The results were also very bland and I did not care for them. However, I had a completely different experience with the 16personality test. This test was more enjoyable, and even more aesthetically pleasing. I got ISFP or “The adventurer” which I found to be extremely accurate. I enjoyed reading the results because of how in depth they were, and I really enjoyed learning about my specific personality type in different situations such as friendships, parenthood, relationships etc.


    9. Tiffany,
      I agree with you about the big5 test, I thought the questions were much too vague. I also did not like the results because I did not feel they were accurate. I really enjoyed the 16personality quiz because of how in depth the results were. I also felt like they were very accurate.


    10. Hello Tiffany!
      Most people seem to think that the big five test wasn’t very accurate, but that the other test was super accurate. Do you think i the questions were worded differently you would enjoy the outcome more? Or if the test wasn’t asking such simple questions? Also, do you think you did not like your results on the big five test, or it was simply the questions. Thank you!


  48. I just took the 16-personalities text and I was pleasantly suprised at the accuracy of this test! The test results suggested that i was “extroverted.” The description of extroversion, according to this test described me very well, which shocked me because this test was not that long. I found a lot of the questions very vague, leaving a lot of room for different environments that we were asked to make dedications and judgements upon how we’d act in them. The test basically claimed extroverts to have the strongest people skills in regulars to not worrying about what others do or what they think, as long as the extrovert them self isn’t being bothered. I believe this is true for me, I just let other people do their thing as long as it’s or hurting me I’m cool. Another good quality the test suggested my personality type possessed was the simplicity of a good time to an extrovert; we enjoy experiences. On the contrary, according to the test extroverts can sometimes be quite assertive, which is true for me. I feel like people should able to tell other how’s they feel and what’s bothering them and things shouldn’t get tense or awkward. One more bad quality of extroverts I noticed to live up to was that I am bad with money. The test suggested that extroverts are not the best planners and focus more on immediate pleasure. We can sometimes get ahead of ourselves with spending, which i have most definitely have done.

    When i took the Big 5 personality test my answers were not as clear. For openness to experience, conscientiousness, and extroversion I scored in the middle for all of them. I was neither more or less of each aspect of personality. I am however, generally more agreeable, considering the feelings of other. I also am typically more relaxed in regards to neuroticism. My test results were slightly different, that could be due to the norms set for each test and the validity of the tests.


    1. I agree with you Samantha , the Big 5 Personality test answers were not clear. It does not really give you a true explanation as like the 16- personality test does.


      1. sorry for the late reply. For some reason big five was more close to my personality than 16-personality test. I guess it could be because the description of extrovert is different. This could be because of the cultural differences.


    2. Samantha,

      First, i agree that the BIG5 was not as detailed as 16Personalities, but it was definitely an interesting over view. I was confused though if that was the name the 16Personalities test gave you? “The Extrovert”? If so that’s really interesting, i didn’t think a person could be solely an extravert and not have some kind of introvert in them. Maybe i’m just being narrow minded. Do you think you’ve changed over time?



      1. No, I see your confusion too. I am not always extraverted. I think my mind may want me to be an extrovert all of the time honestly due to the fact that I’m pretty confident in my morals and composure, I don’t really care about being judged by others, maybe because I don’t judge others myself. I think I may be considered extroverted because I believe everyone should just let everyone do their thing.


    3. Samantha,

      I agree – some of the questions are vague. They leave room for different interpretations, which make its confusing when responding to it. When asked to answer “Can be somewhat careless…” in the Big Five test on a scale ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree,” I was unsure what to mark. Being “careless” really depends on the person, situation, and environment. Then, “…tends to be lazy”? That too depends on many different factors – the day, time of the month, time of the day, the task at hand, etc. I also did not think the Big Five results were as clear.


    4. I completely agree with this the Big 5 test was very unclear to me also. I was in the middle for most of them too so it was just not very helpful.


  49. I actually had taken the 16 personalities test before, I’m quite surprised I actually got the same results. As much as I find them pretty awesome, I don’t know how confident I feel about a computer telling who I am. I mean, I’m intrigued, just not yet convinced. It does pin point me almost accurate though. I’m someone who’s always thinking, and I don’t even notice it. Later on during the night, I will gather all my thoughts and just wonder where I had the time to think of some of this things, and sooooo many things do I forget constantly. I work with children, I have to be extremely open minded, and imaginative. I know that the law enforcement are here to ” protect ” us. But I hate authority. I hate rules and guidelines. The one thing I don’t agree on is the career path. I’m not into the technical world for my job. It isn’t me. I mean, I tried it. I enjoyed doing the other test because I was able to take it with my girlfriend and then compare ours answers, which were pretty accurate. We’re quite the opposites. She’s very trusting of others and welcoming, I’m not. I’m always wondering what are people’s intentions, why are they being nice? etc. It also shows how I’m so OCD and picky of how I organize my stuff and how she basically does thing fast, as long as it gets done. I thought this test was really cool. It even shows you the percentile where you fall next to others who have taken the test.


    1. Hi Liceth,

      I found it intriguing that you’re personally not fond of authority, yet you find yourself in a position where you have to be an authoritative figure to the children you work with. How do you manage to keep them under control without seeming like a rule enforcer? I feel like every child at one point or another makes the comment to their parents, “I’m going to be a ‘cool’ parent when I grow up and let my child do whatever (s)he wants,” thinking it’s as simple as letting your child run free and in the hope that he will govern himself and not get hurt or hurt others. Do you feel like it presents a duality in your life resulting in an internal conflict or in some ways an exciting challenge? Also, do you ever question the children’s intentions when they’re being “overly nice” to you like they may be up to no good?


      1. Hey Scott,

        Yeah, believe it or not, I recently went to Guatemala and the police there don’t use their authority to correct or demand stuff from the citizens. I really loved that, their only job is to protect. We would get pulled over each time we were entering a main zone of fruits to make sure we weren’t bringing anything inside the other city. But they would only ask us “Do you have any fruits on you?” And then let you go. a 16 year old girl was driving a moped, with a 9 year old little girl in the back and the police just said be careful. That’s the “authority” figures I need. I don’t keep my clients under control. When they act out because they don’t want to do what I ask of them, I just ask them what they want to do, and if they work with me we will get their faster. I let them tell me what they want and then I let them know if that’s do able or not and explain to them why we won’t do it. I don’t stop kids from jumping or climbing, until they fall and learn that maybe that wasn’t a smart idea. My teaching approach is different. Once you know someone, whether a child, a friend, or a lover, you know their behaviors. So when my clients are being extra silly, or extra nice, or extra something, I know their up to no good. Children are really smart creatures, who can fit in tiny spaces.


  50. For one of my previous classes in the first half of the fall semester, an assignment was to take the Big Five assessment. Two months ago when I originally took the test I scored pretty much down the middle on everything, not really favoring either side on any section. Surprisingly, a couple of my scores have since changed pretty dramatically. Apparently now in that short span of time I’ve been extremely open to new experience and lean more towards having original thoughts. (Percentile: 88) I’ve been feeling a lot more creative and ambitious at both school and work lately, and I think that’s where that stems from. At the same time my agreeableness rating dipped down to the 38th percentile from about 50 before. It now says that I “find it easy to express irritation with others.” I think that may be due to the fact that I’ve been standing up for myself a lot more at work lately and becoming more outspoken when things don’t necessarily jive with me.

    On the other test I was determined to have an ENTP Personality or otherwise referred to as “The Debater.” This type of personality is generally known for filling that devil’s advocate role in conversations where one will argue points for the mere sake and enjoyment of disagreement. A greater purpose is not necessary or even desired. I think I do have a piece of this persona in me especially when it comes to work meetings. However, I rarely argue a point that I don’t feel passionate about. I often don’t like to waste my time on frivolous debates, and I also don’t enjoy playing the contrarian as I find it to be cheap and unrewarding. So I guess you could say I don’t necessarily agree with my assessment, at least not 100%.

    Scott Cahalane

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Scott C,

      It is very interesting the difference you’ve noticed taking the test a few weeks apart, but also how you’ve noticed how your attitude towards situations and how it effected your personality. I didn’t think aspects of our personality changed that quickly, but maybe you were already going through this kind of change and it so happened that you took these personality test in between these changes. As for the second test, you could be right that it may not be entirely accurate, but maybe it’s detecting something within. Maybe this part of your personality is only known to you but you don’t express it often because of your values. Just because you don’t express a part of yourself doesn’t mean it’s not there.



    2. Scott,

      I find it impressive that your results changed from having taken the Big Five assessment at the beginning of the semester! Mine remained pretty much the same. I also think it’s awesome that there has been a spark of creativity and ambition in some of your environments. I do think that school alone could be a contributing factor. This past summer, after being in school for the past two years – including summers, my life felt a tad bit meaningless. I missed the challenges and new material being fed to me. Though, now that I am back in school, I feel much more productive and ambitious (I really do lack the creativity gene). AND being able to pick and choose your battles is truly admirable – I really do NEED to learn to do the same!


    3. Scott,
      I also received “The Debater” as one of my results and I actually had a very similar reaction as you to that result. Although I believe that this test displayed a result that was more similar to my personality than the Big 5, I did also feel a little conflicted about the devil’s advocate piece. I do like to see things from both sides, and have always tried to maintain a diplomatic behavior when debating with people, but I have never been one to choose devil’s advocacy over making a point I have facts behind. I have always had a real trouble around the feeling of others affecting my opinions, and I believe that is why I have become extroverted in the first place.


      1. Kaitlyn,
        Very impressive, I like the way you looked at your self as being a diplomatic person when having conflicts. It is really hard although you will have the right point it is hard to have a fair conversation when one person is at fault. Although you are good with this over time you will become a expert in these things. Thanks for sharing.


    4. I also wouldn’t be surprised if other people noticed vast changes in their Big five assessments, specifically surrounding their agreeableness percentile. With all of the turmoil that is being broadcasted within our media and general public as of recently, it would make sense that many have become less agreeable in order to speak honestly about what they view as right from wrong, even down to their everyday lives.


    5. Hello Scott I completely agree with you! I think we are developing people and we are open to new experiences, we learn and get adapted to new situations every day. Even though the test is very general I do not think it determine who we are.


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