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There are 3 major components to Social Influence :

COMPLIANCE:  Changing one’s behavior to avoid conflict.

Compliance also occurs within groups (society). One must adapt his/her actions to another’s wishes or rules. Compliance occurs in everyone’s lives. Compliance does not change beliefs. People are compliant daily; following traffic laws, your boss gives you a directive, your Professor gives you an assignment following policy and procedure.

OBEDIENCE:  Changing one’s behavior or beliefs in response to the demands of a more powerful person.

Obedience is the act of following orders because these orders are from a legitimate authority. We obey our parents, the police, our bosses, fire-fighters, and on occasion your Professors……

CONFORMITY:  Changing one’s behavior and beliefs in response
to the behaviors of others.

Conforming, changing attitudes and beliefs in order to match those within the group. Those that conform are compliant AND obedient. In order to conform there must be a leader within the group or conformity within the group would be less prevalent. Failure to conform will result in loss of credibility and being outcast from the group.social effect

Other people can influence us either through direct attempts at persuasion, or more indirectly through their presence and the transmission of cultural values……..

Propaganda is information of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view, these are ideas or statements that are false and exaggerated and that are spread in order to inflame the populace.

Peer Pressure  is the influence of the social group on an individual.

Peers are the individuals with whom a child, adolescent, OR adult identifies with, who are usually but not always of the same age-group.

Peer pressure occurs when the individual experiences implicit ofr explicit persuasion, sometimes amounting to coercion, to adopt similar values, beliefs, and goals, or to participate in the same activities as those in the peer group.

Group Think  Strikes tightly-knit groups – Results in hesitation to dissent in order to preserve solidarity.

Group discussions are discouraged because discussion may cause members to shift to different positions, retaining a sense of open-mindedness, changing perspectives.

Fundamental Attribution Error:

People are prone to the fundamental attribution error, the tendency to overestimate the role of traits and underestimate the role of the situation in determining people’s behavior.

Attribution – the mental process of inferring the causes of people’s behavior, including one’s own. Also used to refer to the explanation made for a particular behavior.

The fundamental attribution error – we tend to spontaneously attribute the behavior of others to internal, personal characteristics

  • Downplaying or underestimating the effects of external, situational factors
  • Plays a role in a common explanatory pattern called blaming the victim – an innocent victim is blamed for somehow causing a misfortune
  • Just world hypothesis – a victim must have done something
    wrong because the world is fair


The self-serving bias – the tendency to attribute successful outcomes of one’s own behavior to internal causes, and unsuccessful outcomes to external situational causes

Self-Justification – Making excuses for oneself or one’s behavior, justifying one’s actions or lack thereof

Self-interests colors or taints are social judgment!!


Do: Informational Social Influence
Influence resulting from one’s willingness to accept others’ opinions about reality

DO: Social Facilitation
Improve performance of tasks in the presence of others, this occurs with simple or well-learned tasks but not with tasks that are difficult or not yet mastered

DO NOT: De-Individuation
Loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity

Do Not: Social Loafing
Tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable, EXAMPLE: GROUP PRESENTATIONS AND PROJECTS.


Aronson, E., (2012) The Social Animal (11th ed). New York : Worth Publishers
Myers, D, Exploring Social Psychology, (7th ed). McGraw Hill.

33 thoughts on “SOCIAL INFLUENCE

  1. i appreciated this video a lot, it was very informative. I learned that peer-pressure is also know as conformity. this video explained why we act different in groups verses alone. if you are un aware of the decision and you assume that the group is correct that is informative influence and your decision to avoid rejection, knowing the “right” response is normative influence. I also understand the difference between private and public conformation. Private being that you change tour opinion and public is when disagree but only to yourself.


  2. This was a great read i understood it was broken down great. The social influence do and dots i thought were very interesting .


  3. Read and fully understood. While I understand the four components of social influence, I can’t help but question if there is truly such thing as individualism or if the concept of individualism is applies some form of conformity d/t it’s ambiguous roles in society.


  4. read and understood, peer pressure and group think are huge issues in society. hard to find people who think for themselves.


  5. Read and somewhat understood. Obedience can sometimes lead to self-justification because some individuals may follow orders but when there is a consequence caused by their actions, they might justify their actions by saying how they were just following a higher up’s orders and so it is not their fault.


  6. Read and understood. People are influenced by others on a daily basis. No matter where you are. It can be by people who you just think are giving you a simple task to do. How ever your are told to do it is a influence given by that person.


  7. Read and somewhat understood. During the Holocaust, the Nazis used a lot of this in order to gain more followers (such as, propaganda, peer pressure, etc). Additionally, similar to the last reading, Germans were accomplices who had no other choice but to be obedient.


  8. I read and somewhat understood, and I was able to make many connections while reading the information. For instance, parents are very important in shaping a child’s personality. Young children who grow up within a secure and healthy family are more likely to develop happy relationships with others later on in life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In addition, during the Holocaust, the Nazis had effectively manipulated the minds of millions of Germans. They won their support using propaganda, to facilitate the genocide on an unprecedented scale.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. This was definitely interesting: conformity and peer pressure are definitely unique experiences that will influence social behaviors according to the video and information presented . Being pressured to conform publicly/ socially even though our own personal belief system is no near in accordance or against our beliefs and we still conform to be please and be part of this said group is really powerful and bizarre . It just makes me think about ww2 and how many people were forced to do things that were totally against character and personal beliefs all due to propaganda, obedience and compliance we can easily see how these influence can be used for negative reasons. Also i feel even religion has these attributes to keep the masses inline such as obedience fear of going to hell etc. This social power structure seems to have been around for awhile and used by the elite and the ones in control. 1 percent etc

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Read and understood, makes a lot of scene, my foster mom always had a Spanish saying “uno es producto de la gente que nos rodea” (one is a product of the people around us) the video also gives a lot of interesting information like when individuals are in groups they change their behavior, conformity- peer pressure, it said that is good for young people surround themselves with positive so they can experience peace, harmony and happiness because when they surround themselves with negative peers the result of that can be catastrophic. I like the info regarding the view of training dogs.


  11. The article speaks on how there are many different aspects when it comes to Social influence. It touches on three important factors, compliance, obedience, and conformity. People are becoming to easily controlled or followed, meaning that when people see others wearing something or doing something, they slowly begin to follow, to fit in, and be like others.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Based on this lesson, social influence usually happens when our feelings or behaviors being affected by other people. Obedience, conformity, and compliance are the most important types of social influence. The video discuss about the group thinking which is usually result of making the whether good or bad decisions. Group polarization applies to a situation where the decisions of people in the group is dominant than actual one. Whereas group think apply to a status in which members of a group have conclusions based on the pressure from the group when they put opinions without saying it.


  13. There are 3 major components to social influence; Compliance ( changing behavior to avoid conflict ), Obedience ( changing behavior because of the demands of a more powerful person ), and Conformity ( changing of behavior because of the behaviors of others ). Any of these 3 components can be attributed to Propaganda ( misleading, exaggerated, false, biased ideas or statements used to spread to the masses. ) Peer pressure ( social pressure by members of ones peer group to take certain action, adopt certain values in order to be accepted. ) Group think ( when you go with the flow in order to preserve the groups mentality ). Sometimes we tend to justify our actions because of our own self interests, or we make excuses for our own actions or even blame them on internal or external situations.


  14. We are so influenced by outside comings and events in society that it is difficult to identify what is our own thinking or our own will.
    We are compliant at home to avoid conflicts.
    We are obedient at work and school to follow the rules.
    And in the end of the day we are resigned, conformed.
    Somehow, we have a mental “shock collar training” that makes us step back or change opinion, and little by little we are trained and molded to be accepted and fit in a group.

    Sonia Chimentao


  15. Throughout this article, we are introduced to the three major parts of social influence: compliance, obedience, and conformity. There are also various subcategories that have can have an effect on these three main themes. For example, groupthink and compliance are quite similar in the sense that individuals are shaped to think in a certain way in order to maintain balance within a group. The video demonstrates some situations defined in the article. The video is essentially about the coercion and willingness of individuals in groups. Some decisions are positive; others are negative. Personally, I believe that conforming to the paramount belief in a group is a mechanism for us to fit in, and we can do it both consciously and unconsciously.


  16. The article talks about obedience, compliance, conformity, and social influence and how they influence our lives. In our everyday life, We are all subjected to compliance and conformity. For example, We conform and comply to our job description and to society in general. In fact, We mostly hear of peer pressure which is a form of conformity especially among the adolescents. They tend to follow their peers either in a positive or negative way. Most poeple become part of a group in order to fit in; and others even comply to a group’s behavior even if it goes against their beliefs so they can feel part of something , part of a group. In addition, it is inevitable that we will be influenced by our surroundings and by others at some point in our lives. Children are bound to obey their parents and everyone is bound to obey the law whether we want to or not. Finally, we are all influenced by someone , our parents , friends, coworkers or a group just to fit in.


  17. The article it is telling us the way that how social influence can affect us, and the way that is divide it. Also how these aspect of the social influence change us depending in the environment and the people that is there, and there are many examples that show that, like the obedience part that is relighted with the jobs that we have and also the way that we behave in different places, like we obey the instructions that the boss is giving us. In addition, the conformity because we want to be part of a group we make changes in our behavior to be part of that group, and it is important to understand the most of the time we are social influences in our daily bases and it is like a part of our life. Also that when is a problem we use our compliance that means that we are trying to avoid, the problems that is around us and we do not want to be part of those problems that is why we use the compliance to avoid it.


  18. The article explains the concept of social influence that covers situations in which the actions of an individual or a group will affect the behavior of others. It consists of three main elements: Conformity, compliance and obedience.
    Conformity: I try to make up because all of my classmates make up when they go to class.
    Compliance: I obey the regulation in my workplace.
    Obedience: Doing everything what my boss are asking me to do
    Besides, there are terms propaganda, groupthink, peer pressure and so on to support the term of social influence, how people adapt their environment, the process which trigger people s’ behavior.


  19. This article explains some aspect of social influence, that refers to the ways in which external factors trigger change in an individual and be reflected in his behaviors and actions. Conformity, compliance and obedience are all forms of social influence that strongly affect our everyday lives. The article explains how the compliance is less radical kind of social influence than obedience, and that the conformity is both compliance and obedience. The article and video explains other types of group influence such as group-think and group polarization . These processes can occur when individuals come together in a group. They’re not always positive. but can be if the group is positive open-minded and willing to consider more than one opinion.


  20. Social influence is the effect of a social group or an individual have on someone’s thoughts, feelings, attitude or behavior either deliberately or unintentionally. People from all ages make daily decisions influenced by their peers, medias, families, colleagues and even strangers. That reminded me a story about what happened to me back in my country. One day, I went to an open market, where there were many people buying goods. All of the sudden, I saw a group of people running, so I started running too without knowing why I was running. All I knew, I was just following the pact. In this example, the group was unintentionally change my behavior.


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